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ouvrir les jeunes au fonctionnement des structures sanitaires et sociales européennes
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For 15 years the LPRP St Joseph has been offering its first students Bac Pro SAPAT an internship in Ireland or the Czech Republic. There are 7-12 students each year who go to Athlone or Plzen for four weeks of training in establisments dealing in health and social work. We are a private agricultural school under contract with the state. These internship activities abroad allow us to fulfill the 5th mission of agricultural education : international cooperation. Moreover, this activity meets the goals of our school project "to allow students to open up to other countries, other cultures". This year with this application, we are expanding our destinations to include Spain. An on-site coordinator is looking for host establishments for us, as before in the health and social sector. Indeed, for some years now, we have offered Spanish as LV2 and during a school trip in 2014 we established links with a coordinator and some establishments. Our target audience is the first year group of SAPAT (Services To Individuals and to the territories), at the end of the year, students are awarded a vocational studies certificate: « BEPA Services to the individuals ». The skills acquired enable them to intervene on behalf of less able clients in performing routine acts of daily life. This means that they begin their internships already equipped with a technical expertise and work on complementary learning skills of organization of work, overall management of a client ... This sums up the professional skills. To these are added : the development of language skills (their weak point) and personal skills, such as moving to another European country, developing independence in their daily lives, developing their cultural knowledge ... Our correspondents on the ground are looking for host establishments. These have been essentially the same for several years. They transmit administrative documents (intern contracts ...) and educational ones (evaluation grid, educational annexe ...) They set up accommodation : on campus in Athlone and in families in Plzen. Regarding Spain our research is directed towards the Barcelona area for establishments and accommodation in families. Training objectives and activities are set by the pedagogical attachment. They are those of the Bac Professionnel ». Activities are also specified. Teachers accompany students at the start for 4 to 5 days, which allows them to meet the personnel and restate together all the training objectives, activities to be carried out ... and make the necessary adjustments. At the end of the course, they return there in order to visit each trainee and to conduct an evaluation with the tutor appointed by the establishment. Apart from the presence of teachers, internship monitoring is also provided by colleagues locally who intervene in case of adjustment difficulties of a young person or other difficulties. Students are placed in situations where they can demonstrate independence and take full charge. However some of them are less mature and guidance is offered to them at their request with local colleagues. The benefits of these courses for students are seen at various levels : linguistically of course, but also on a personal level : autonomy, maturity, mobility. On their return, while spontaneously expressing their satisfaction, it is after a few months that they are better able to measure their achievements and the benefits. It is for this reason that we have added to all evaluations traditionally performed a questionnaire to be completed 4 months later in order to bring these answers into the final report. At the end of the course, the young people are given several documents : an internship certificate, assessment grid and Europass Mobility. Our school publishes information on these courses and European funding on several platforms : the school’s own website and that of the pupils, brochures and other publications, and during the various events and meetings (open days, course information meetings ...)

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