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Ouvrir le métier de boulanger vers d'autres horizons professionnels et géographiques
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's main objective is to allow five young people of training baker in our school center experience a high level of professional experience youth as part of an internship ( fine dining , superior hotel ) in a country of the European Community , France . The young people involved are often young people from disadvantaged socio- cultural categories and allow them to project a professional experience , but also human who often do their is not intended. The objective is clearly to improve professional skills through immersion in a month in a new working environment for them . The activities to be carried out concerning the young baker - patissier - chocolatier in a brigade of a restaurant or hotel : making breads, cakes , pastries, frozen desserts or chocolate or sugar . The methodology is an immersion in the company at a rate of 35 hours / week to practice these skills. Young is entrusted to a tutor, a manager who initiates the work requested and am its progression. The young and the tutor are in regular contact with both educational institutions at the initiative of the project ( the French school and the Belgian school ) to check that the course goes under the conditions established beforehand by the training agreement and the training notes . The outcome is the complete professional training through practical experience: the internship must give a 5 young widest possible professional background and corresponds to prescribed programs of training profile . Thus , the course accounts for a significant part in the overall certification of the profession of baker . The long-term benefits are significant: in vocational training, all students are not necessarily motivated. Able to offer students a project as serious and upscale our students is one way to ensure to them a motivation , a desire for their craft . This creates an emulation for some students that is beneficial to all of them , the whole training. This gives added value to the overall formation of trade, but also a gain in the quality of skills .
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