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Ouverture Sur l'Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Magenta Vocational High School was granted the title of Lycée des Métiers des Services Administratifs (BO N° 29 of July 19th 2012). It prepares its pupils to their diploma of Baccalauréat Professionnel (Level IV, the equivalent of the BTEC national) in Office Management and Administrative Work. The number of students was between 360 and 375 at the start of the new academic year in September 2015. Moreover, it includes two European sections: one in Italian, the other one in English. In 2015/2016, these 2 European sections concern all the levels of our high school: from the fifth year to the final year. The programme aimed at sending 16 pupils in their final year of Baccalauréat Professionnel in Office Management and Administrative Work on a four-week work placement, out of the 22 compulsory weeks spent on placement. We planned to send 10 students in the UK, in Eastbourne and the surrounding towns and 6 other students in Italy, in Rome. The concerned pupils were essentially coming from the 2 European sections the high school counts: the one in English and the other one in Italian. The 16 mobilities was supposed to take place in a single flow of 4 weeks, during the last placement of final year of high school, from Monday, 29/02/2016 till Friday, 25/03/2016. For the students of English, the placements were planned to take place in the town of Eastbourne (UK) or in the towns nearby. Our new English partner, Breakaway Agency (intermediate partner) was supposed to welcome our students, supply host families with full board and places of internship in companies situated in the county of Sussex. As for the collaboration with this new intermediate partner, a first meeting with Mrs CHEVALLIER, the director, took place in November 2014 and was followed by numerous exchanges by e-mail. A preparatory visit of the two teachers of the European section in English was scheduled to Eastbourne for October, 2015. The new partnership with Breakaway Agency is linked to the arrival in final year of high school of the students who have been studying in the European section for 3 years. Indeed, they are better prepared to make a period of 4 whole weeks of internship in England than their predecessors for whom we used to plan one week of intensive courses with our previous intermediate partner, Totnes European School. Furthermore, this new partnership with Breakaway Agency was meant to discover another region of England and new host companies. We thus asked for grants in England for 10 final year students of vocational high school preparing their Baccalauréat in Office Management and Administrative Work As for the students in Italian, a preparatory visit was done in May 2012 by Mrs Tournier – the former chef de travaux and Mrs Ozanne, a DNL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) teacher in Italian. It allowed them to understand how the Xarxa FP network works and how important it is to go through this association which is very helpful for the students' mobility. Indeed, it looks for placement and accommodation places, proposes adapted means of transport and public transport tickets. Moreover, it is present in case problems may occur. The teacher who is in charge of the European Class in Italian (Mrs Ozanne) also participated in a study visit in October 2012 to deepen her knowledge in educational CLIL methods (Content and Language Integrated Learning). Mrs Ozanne also made a second preparatory visit in October, 2014 to specify the conditions of the mobilities in the city of Rome. In 2014/2015, 5 pupils of the European section in Italian will have already made their mobilities in Rome between February 23rd and March 20th, 2015 (previous ERASMUS project + OSE 2014). Thus we asked for grants in Italy for 6 final year students preparing their Baccalauréat in Office Management and Administrative Work. This experience in an English or in an Italian company is of great importance for our students who will later have to adapt themselves professionally to constant changes in the field of economy. Such a professional and linguistic experience permits the students to discover and develop their own skills, mature their European consciousness and to prepare them to go on with their studies.

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