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Ouverture Sur l'EUROPE
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vocational high-school Jacques Prévert in Dole forms around 400 students for careers in fashion, beauty, sales and administration. With this multi-disciplinarity and the willingness expressed in the school project to open up internationally, a steering committee was formed in June 2011 in order to see the mobility project through. The considered starting periods are staggered according to the work experience periods of each section between autumn 2016 and June 2018. Our project entitled O.S.E ! (Opening on Europe!) is structured around three strategic areas:- "Expand and Diversify": to diversify professional experiences, partnerships, teaching practises and training tools, to develop knowledge and enrich linguistic, cultural and project management skills.- "Motivate and Unite": to unite the whole team around the project, to motivate the students and build momentum involving companies.- "Valuing": to enhance the image of the school, improve the attractiveness of certain courses and value the students in terms of experiences and acquired skills.These guidelines lead the actions of the project stakeholders to achieve their objectives.1. The project stakeholders :- the direct beneficiaries: 20 student-volunteers aged between 16 and 20 from "tertiary" Baccalauréats Professionnels (Sales, Business management, Administration) or "industrial" Baccalauréats Professionnels (Fashion, Beauty-Cosmetics and Perfumery) ;- the European partners: this project involves companies selected according to the industry related to each course involved in the project. The targeted countries are the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Malta ;- the applicant organization: this project involves a multi-disciplinary team of teachers, a member of the school board of directors, the head of works and the financial administrator meeting within the steering committee. This framework allows to implement the personal and professional skills of each member in order to maximize the preparation, implementation, monitoring and assessment of the project for all project stakeholders.2. Objectives and intended results:- cultural objectives: the discovery of a new social and cultural environment brings cultural and historical richness as well as an open-mindedness to the stakeholders;- personal development objectives: the necessary adaptation to these environments develops the beneficiaries' independence, maturity, multiculturalism and motivation. On the other hand, the students' participation in this project gives them confidence and ambition for possible further education studies.- linguistic objectives: a four-week immersion in a foreign language country enables the students to put into practise their knowledge of the language and most of all to become more proficient with the language acquiring a rich and relevant usual or professional vocabulary;- training objectives: the professional practices acquired by the students during these 4-week-training-periods are an integral part of their course and are assessed in accordance with their vocational training benchmarks; it also gives them the opportunity to obtain the Europass, Europro and Euromobipro certificates- valuing objectives concerning courses and work experience: O.S.E! aims to change the students' opinion on school and their school career. It facilitates the students' employability and career prospects by giving real added-value to their CVs to prospective recruiters.3. The intended impact is to confirm the school's proud reputation for quality, increase the attractiveness of its courses but mostly to expand the students'personal and professional horizons as well as help them become aware of their European citizenship.

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3 Partners Participants