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Ouverture professionnelle à l'international
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

THE FRAMELa Cardinière vocational High School is located in Chambéry (Savoie, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes), an attractive French area. The town and its surrounding area have a central position in the Alpine corridor.We offer curricula connected with the tertiary sector (administrative management, trade and sale, transport and logistics) at GSCE and B-Tec levels.GOALSA training period in a company abroad is offered in order to:- Improve skills in foreign languages, particularly oral skills at work,- Increase professional abilities to ease access to a job,- Strengthen autonomy, self-confidence and esteem.THE TEAM INVOLVED IN THE PROJECTIn 2013, an exchange program with a German school, prompted by our Head of vocational teaching,was launched with the help of the French-German Secretariat.In 2014, we opened a European section in English in order to help motivated voluntary students improve their level thanks to extra English courses and find jobs more easily, and to make our curriculum more attractive.At that time, two teachers in vocational courses and the Head of vocational teaching passed a certification in English. Then another teacher, experienced with European programs and already certified, joined our team which is now steady.PARTNERSHIPWe have started working with a qualified partner called Partnership International already known by one of the teachers. Partnership International will help us provide our students with adequate housing and placements. Moreover, they will assist our students on the spot in their daily life if necessary.TARGET STUDENTSThe students who will take part in this training period in 2016 are in their last year to B-TEC and come from all fields of our tertiary sector curriculum. Aged from 17 to 20, they have little experience with travelling abroad and come from various socio-economic backgrounds. As students in the European section, they gain motivation to learn and keep interest for studying. Before having their training period abroad,they will already have trained 18 weeks in companies and the skills required to get their diplomas will have been validated during that time. For even if we hope that their vocational skills will be strengthened during their work placements in Irish companies, we know that this strengthening might be impaired by their limited command of English. This is why we ensure that the needed skills are mainly acquired before their placement abroad.PREPARING FOR MOBILITYThe students have over two years to prepare for their departure. They have two extra hours per week in English during which they can learn vocational vocabulary and improve their oral fluency in various communication patterns and daily life situations.Vocational skills are taught in class and implemented during the 18-week training period.Moreover, some distinctive extra hours are offered the students in order to enhance cultural preparation.ACCOMPANIMENT AND HELP DURING THE STAYA teacher will accompany the students at the beginning of their stay in order to help them settle. Besides, tutoring and help have been planned on the spot with the teacher and a member of the “Partnership International” team. Three meetings will take place: one on the following day after arrival; one during the second week to check if everything goes well; and one for debriefing during the fourth week.At the beginning of the training periods, the teacher will meet the tutors in the companies to ensure that the tasks planned for the students are appropriate.ASSESSMENTDuring the last week, the students’ achievements will be assessed on the work place by the tutor and the teacher.Once back, the students will make up two files: one for the optional mobility credit (l’unité facultative de mobilité) and one for the European section specific credit.MAIN EXPECTED IMPACTSFor the students : a better propensity for mobility.For the school : an increased opening to Europe and more attractiveness.

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