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Ouverture européenne, un parcours de réussite pour les élèves
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The LPO - Touchard Washington presents a suitable environment for the development of a wider European opening. Indeed, the European Development Plan is based on the following existing assets:- Two European sections ( one in English / History-Geography and another one in Spanish / Engineering ),- Nine qualified and certified teachers in CLIL ( Maths, History-Geography, Management and Engineering ),- A certain number of teachers who are willing to prepare and pass the additional certification in CLIL,- Language Exchange programs with foreign schools , including one with Denmark and another one with the Netherlands..The objectives of the project are:- to develop the European opening to promote the success of students, - to have the opportunity to open more CLIL classes- to develop cooperative projects with other European schools- to open a new European section for students preparing a technological baccalaureate- to develop additional partnerships with European institutions.The personnel who will be selected for this project are :- Sixteen persons for a mobility project in the United Kingdom,- one person for a mobility project in Spain,- two persons for a mobility project in Germany,- two person for a mobility in Bulgaria,- one person for a mobility in Norway.The profile of the staff concerned has been defined in accordance with the European Development Plan and concerns:- teachers willing to prepare and pass the certification in CLIL,- certified teachers in CLIL,- language teachers ,- teachers and staff involved in opening international projects in the school,- Headmasters.The methodology chosen to lead the project consists in :- The creation of an administrative team and a pedagogical team in order to help, supervise and evaluate the mobilities and the implemented projects they will help to create,- The creation of a selection committee,- A call for candidates, who will have to motivate their demand,- The selection of candidates,- The implementation of the mobilities,- The dissemination of the experiences and results to the whole educational community,- The creation of a monitoring committee responsible for the evaluation of the impact and relevance of actions .The expected impact is to bring a greater number of students to become responsible European citizens , open and involved in their path of excellence and willing to succeed in their studies as well as uniting around a real language project to create a school educational innovation dynamic with a European dimension .The results which are expected at the end of the project are:- A widening of the range of trainings offered to our students , particularly through the teaching of CLIL,- An increase in the number of work placement, trainings and trips in Europe for our students,- An expansion of partnerships with European institutions through exchanges and / or collaborative projects.In the long term, the benefits of the European dynamic pulse will be:- to inject a real sense of commitment to the European educational community development- to establish a network of partners in Europe for a greater mobility of students in each European countries partners to inspire a real sense of European citizenship for all stakeholders,- to consider the possibility and prepare for the opening of an International section.
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