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ouverture européenne par la pratique d'une langue étrangère et la connaissance culturelle de divers pays européens
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Jean Moulin’s school at Séverac le Château is situated in a rural area. It is a really attractive village thanks to its rich past dating from the ‘Moyen-Age’ period. Close to the A75, lots of factories had set up, which strongly increased children population from rural labourer background, not enough aware about culture and European knowledge. It seemed important to the teaching team, to develop the European Union membership by working on countries members and understand where the differences and shared characteristics were. This, in order to know better functioning of this union. The establishment of this project within Jean Moulin’s school teaching team started in 2013 with teacher participation at one training on E-twinning, it carried on with trainings proposed by Erasmus+. These programs will be proposed to the whole school team. All primary students (from third to sixth year), which is about 60 pupils will enjoy a work presentation about Europe and will talk with other European pupils via E-twinning, about culture, literature and their own country. The aim is to go beyond stereotype and find similarities in each country. This project will be driving in close collaboration with Marmousets School at Saint Geniez d’Olt, where teachers are applying for an Erasmus+ formation at Galway in Ireland. All this will be leading by Nathalie CALMELS, teaching counsellor, who will use these actions to introduce them to other teachers of the Aveyron. Exhibitions in both villages, plus in the library, town council and tourist offices around, will be running. This project aim at developing European citizenship thanks to a better knowledge of each countries members and different languages used. We really hope other teachers will apply for an Erasmus+ program, and wish our students understand better their European membership thanks to a clearer knowledge of its values. Diffusion of our work will help to improve Europe understanding to parents, teachers and everyone who will look at it.
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