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Ouverture européenne et valorisation de la classe euro logistique 2015
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project was aimed at 5 pupils having registered in the three-year baccalauréat professionnel logistics course. At this point these pupils have also attended a European course for two years. These students were to stay in London from November 16th to December 18th. Unfortunately, the Parisian bomb attacks having occurred on November 13th, we had to postpone the mobility to April, from April 11th to May 6th. We chose that period so that our students would miss but a few lessons as they were preparing their exams at that time. Indeed, Spring break and Ascension big weekend being part of the mobility, it meant that the students would only miss 8 days altogether. For the same reasons we have decided to shorten their stay from 5 weeks to 4 weeks. Another change took place. One of our students’ father died in November. We left the opportunity for that student to make his mind as to the mobility until the very last days. However we realized only when we were back after Spring holidays, that we were too late to inform the AN before the deadline which was due on April 30th. Too many events had happened in between. Nonetheless we immediately phoned Sophie Santiago our interlocutor at the AN to let her know about it. We are fully aware that that money could have been used for another project and we entirely admit we are responsible. In our defense, we insist on the fact that we’ve met quite a number of problems that we have mostly managed to resolve This project, like the former ones, answers the specificity of the course for many reasons: 1 –The activities linked to Logistics are bound to be European and even international. Delivering, storing, carrying goods imply that companies work with their European counterparts. Having partners all over the world seems unavoidable if companies want to remain competitive. Many of them in Essonne, already work with partners in Eastern Europe, Portugal, Italy, Spain, the USA or Brazil among others. 2 – Having already worked in international companies like Rungis our students know about the situation and fully understand the importance of being able to communicate in and to master English. Professionals from the Southern industrial area near Paris where most of our students are from, welcome our students from European classes. Consequently, the opportunity to perform a training period in an English-speaking country is of the utmost importance. 3 – The geographical situation of our lycée added to its specificity: Lycée des métiers de automobile et de la logistique, totally justifies our desire to perpetuate this type of project. Our four students have carried out logistic tasks such as: - Order picking - Reception and shipping of goods - Communication with intern and extern partners - Orders on the internet - Inventory - Checking goods - Work on excel All these tasks are recorded in the national document referring to the Baccalauréat Logistique et transport. As for results, they are immediate and long-term. Thanks to our former mobilities, we know that they offer a measurable, priceless and undisputable added value to our students and that on varied levels: -linguistic : it enhances notably the participants' foreign languages competence. For example, one of our students who has only been in France for 3 years, found it difficult to speak either French or English, has gained confidence and has successfully passed all his English exams. - academic : after this four or five-week stay in London our students feel they can succeed. Academic success is no longer reserved to pupils from Lycée general but it is also attainable for pupils from vocational schools. Vocational schools are no longer sidings. - personal : this project raises the participants ‘ autonomy. They gain in maturity and in entrepreneurial spirit which are highly valuable skills demanded by most companies. It also mainly raises participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship. To conclude, this project has answered the specificity of the course, that of the School Project (including among others, building ambitious projects,developing the opening up to Europe) and has come within the scope of the national goals which aim at valuing vocational schools and raising the students' levels so that they can join higher education or get a better job.They also most particularly aim at reducing drop-outs without qualifications.
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