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Ouverture à l'Europe à travers des stages professionnels dans le domaine du service à la personne et de la vente en Angleterre, Bulgarie et Pologne.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For several years the pupils of the two lycées, La Touche and Jean Queinnec, have had the opportunity to undertake 3 weeks’ work experience abroad, with a choice between England, Bulgaria and Poland. THE PROFILE AND THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS The training opportunities offered are geared towards the service industries, social services and sales. Work experience abroad is offered to students in the 2nd year of CAPA Service en Milieu Rural ( Services in the Rural Community) and to the students in their final year of BAC PRO SAPAT (Service to People and the Territory). They are also offered to students in BAC PRO SAPAT and in BAC PRO VENTE (Sales) at Lycée La Touche. The students’ professional projects are aimed principally towards working in the care services (with the elderly or with children), working in the health sector (as nurses, auxiliary nurses or auxiliary paediatric nurses), or in sales and commerce. The qualification that the students gain within our establishment enables them to continue their professional studies or can be used as a springboard to go on to higher education. The number of students for each destination and their course: - 2 year of CAPA Service en Milieu RURAL: 5 - Final year of BAC PRO SAPAT: 38 - Final year of BAC PRO VENTE: 1 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONNAL OBJECTIVES • Opportunity to use their knowlegdes learnt during their training • Improving of their professionals habilities and skills • Development of their cultural and languages knowledges • Developement af adaption facilities, initiative spirit and autonomy CHOICE OF DESTINATION International co-operation is one of the specialities of Lycée Jean Queinnec. Having more than ten years’ experience in this area, we offer our young people the chance to share in an experience outside their local area in the following destinations : England, Bulgaria and Poland. Our partners in situ have played a major role in the administrative side of the project and in finding structures which ensure quality and sustainability. For England, it is Jenny, our English assistant, who has initiated our project in Penzance, Cornwall. For Bulgaria it’s the l’Institut de Formation des Aides Soignants de Malestroit (The Malestroit Institute for Training Auxiliary Nurses), which has a Bulgarian member of staff, which has organised the work experience there. A preparatory visit was undertaken in June 2012 which enabled us to confirm the suitability of the project in Varna. Since starting in 2014, our intermediary in Varna has been Dimo, head of BS Travel, who has been indispensable in liaising with our partners there. Since 2013 there has been a new destination added, Poland. The project was proposed by the bursar of Lycée La Touche, who has already organised work experience in the area of care services. A preparatory visit in May 2013 ratified 7 possible placements in structures around Bielsko Biala. For each destination the trip consists of 3 weeks, in Penzance (England), Varna (Bulgaria), or Bielsko Biala (Poland). During these 3 weeks the students undertake professional work experience in different types of structure : - with the elderly (retirement homes, day centres) - with children (nurseries and primary schools) - with the disabled (young children and adults) - with the blind - in commercial enterprises (bakery, charity shop, food production and sales at markets) ACTIVITIES During their work experience the students must undertake work and activities that are linked to their studies and which correspond to the course objectives. This enables validation of their “certfificat de stage”, which is completed at the end of their time on work experience. During their period on work experience the students are required to:- - participate in the care of the elderly - accompany the young and/or adults - organise activities geared/according to the age and interests of their public - observe the running of the structure so as to be able make a comparison with a similar structure in France. - serve meals - help people feel safe and secure - keep their work area well organised - sell commercial products - help the person in charge of their training with different activities Different activities are offered to the students at the weekends and during their free time. They will have the opportunity to find out about the culture, the gastronomy, the heritage, the folklore and the culinary specialities of the region. Each year we improve some aspects of the arrangements in accommodation, cultural visits, new structures for work experience, etc., with the goal being to make trips as attractive as possible, thus attracting more students. To broaden the students’ knowledge of Europe, and to maintain the links made by the educational team, we wish to continue offering work placements abroad.

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