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Out of the Blue - Isles in the MEDiterranean (OBIMED)
Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to jointly develop the tourism potential by contributing to the improvement of the services offered via integrated tools for promoting innovation and expansion of integrated thematic tours Sicily - Malta, already identified and promoted within the project - MEDPOT funded and implemented under the INTERREG IIIA 2000-2006 and concluded successfully in June 2009. It is intended to broaden and strengthen relations and collaboration which have already been developed in the course of the Medpot project among the Italian and Maltese tourism services companies, training institutes for tourism, socio-economic operators of the territory that are responsible for promoting tourism and manage the touristic resources of the interested areas: western Sicily – The Islands of Malta Gozo and Comino. Transnational operational cooperation aimed at creating an eco- sustainable tourism proposal and the promotion of the same through innovative channels and niche targets. This also in order to pursue a model of seasonally adjusted tourism and spread on alternative routes. It is intended to increase the attractiveness of the territories and employment, particularly of women, using the most innovative communication technologies. The main target of the promotion will be directed towards associations and international circuits that annually organise social travel itineries (Rotary, Lyons, Inner Wheels, ..)Il progetto vuole sviluppare congiuntamente le potenzialità del turismo contribuendo al miglioramento dellofferta turistica integrata attraverso strumenti di promozione innovativi e ampliamento dei percorsi tematici integrati Sicilia – Malta, già identificati e promossi nellambito di MEDPOT – progetto finanziato e realizzato a valere di INTERREG IIIA 2000-2006, concluso con successo nel giugno 2009. Si punta ad ampliare e consolidare le relazioni e collaborazioni operative, già sviluppate durante lo svolgimento di Medpot, tra le imprese di servizi al turismo italiane e Maltesi , gli istituti di formazione per il turismo, gli attori socio economici del territorio che hanno il compito di promuovere il turismo e di gestire il patrimonio turistico delle aree interessate: Sicilia occidentale - Isola di Malta Gozo e Comino. La collaborazione operativa transnazionale finalizzata alla creazione di una proposta turistica comune eco-sostenibile e alla promozione della stessa su canali innovativi e target di nicchia. Ciò anche allo scopo di perseguire un modello turistico diffuso nel tempo (destagionalizzazione) e nello spazio (percorsi alternativi). Si punta ad aumentare lattrattività dei territori e l'occupazione soprattutto femminile utilizzando le più innovative tecnologie di comunicazione. Il target principale dellazione di promozione sarà costituito dalle Associazioni e dai circoli internazionali che annualmente organizzano i viaggi sociali (Rotary, Lyons, Inner Wheels, ..) Achievements: The project has contributed towards improving the integratedtourism offer through innovative promotional activities and increase in the number of integrated thematic itineraries betweenSicily and Malta. After having carried out an analysis of the territory and defined the itineraries Sicily and Malta have in common, the planning partnership produced video guides and set up free access WiFi areas in the territories of Sciacca (Agrigento), Castelvetrano (Trapani), Malta and Gozo to assist in the fruition of the itineraries and offer a guide service for tourists. The project has dedicated particular attention to the 2.0 web application tied to the diffusion of tour itineraries and to the involvement of the Sicilian and Maltese youth population to promote youth exchange programmes based on the English language and Mediterranean identity. In particular, a selected group of Sicilian and Maltese youth was involved in a cultural exchange visit and was trained in the use and in the dissemination of ad hoc apps for iPhone and Android developed by the project as well as in learning/information curves targeting their same age group. Another particular strategy targeted the international social clubs such as Lyons, Rotary, and Inner Wheels who promoted the OBIMED offer and were invited to follow the Paths of the Knights of Malta and trace back through the historical routes – appositely planned by the project – the customs, rituals, and traditions. Through the support of the projects web portal the tourism, hotel, and catering industry, together with the technical tourism institutes in both Sicily and Malta, can advertise job placements for Sicilian and Maltese youth. • 3 integrated tourist itineraries • 4 WiFi areas set up and running • 2 software applications for mobile devices • 1 video-guide • 3 promotional videos on the itineraries

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  • 85%   593 592,40
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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4 Partners Participants