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Our Life as Elderly - implementation 2.11 (OLE 2)
Start date: May 31, 2008, End date: May 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project wills in close cooperation with concerned staff, citizens, management and political levels establish a full implementation of transnational findings from Our Life as Elderly, part 1. In this process we will package a number of products for each of the new services introduced. The implementation and development of new products will be performed in the following areas: 1. Competence Development and Staff Recruiting 2. Health and Social Services 3. Networks 4. Housing and Services Achievements: Reported outcomes, 2011-03-09 Our project has now been running for close to 30 months. The project and its progress match our time plan and budget for most parts. We are currently in the process to complete the last part of our 3rd work package, the one we call WP 3 b. The focus now is to implement our new services and products along with packaging these in a format and structure that makes them easily available for others to use or just take inspiration from. A brief summary on some of our outcomes and its products: A concept of ambassadors for a better long-term general marketing of existing careers in professions for care. The role as an ambassador is integrated in our staffs normal day-to-day work with a specific task to promote recruiting. The product includes presentation of concept, recruiting material, recruiting films, role of ambassadors and staff requirements. Solutions for integrated and permanent staff development. Our products in this case are for instance an IT –based competence bank. A complete system to register and monitor our staffs competence level. Part of this product is also an introduction program for all new employees. The program, as product, will contain complete samples of documentation implemented within the project on a national and transnational level. A functional system for a better-coordinated health care between respective providers in the care chain. Our product here is a solution with preventive home visits for elderly over 80 years including a tool for risk assessment. Our product contains necessary documentation, samples of risk assessment and a evaluation of full scale tests. A system for Safe Medication. Our products is part a technical solution and part a training program for our staff. The technical solution is an electronic dose dispenser. So far the tests has been very promising and studys from for instance England indicates great sawing on several levels. The training concept or product is a 2 day education /information package including a web based test. A web based meeting platform for senior citizen with focus on transnational solutions, like and The product will include all tools needed to establish these solutions in basically any country and municipality. A comprehensive model for physical and informal meeting places for elderly in society Our product here will contain the tools, examples of tested solutions and a presentation of our working models. Examples of our products here are for instance the creation of an elderly week, transnational and interactive dance over the Internet A property solution type vintage housing for +55.Vintage Housing as a concept or product will be presented as a total building program including specifications, drawings and concept presentation in general. A system for property bank concerning adapted housing for senior citizen Our product is an IT system for registration and management of adopted housing. Our product is supported by our experience from the implementation already established. A function for proactive communication with long-term prospects in our school and employment system. Our product here will for instance contain tools, examples of promotional material, description of organizational solutions etc for a pro-active communication with potential staff.Products and services:Title: Ambassadors A long-term marketing of existing careers in professions for care, communication with schools and employment systems responding to the need to promote health and social care professions in new areas and with new techniques to attract potential employees by nominating employees from the health and social care as ambassadors for their own professions. This way, a credible picture of the health care professions is conveyed.More information see:, Tooltox 'Recruiting & introduction' A toolbox of documents for strategic recruiting and introduction of new employees, including guidance on how to start work with strategic recruiting and introduction, checklists, an interview template, introduction package, etc.More information see:, School Model A collaboration between pre-schools and elementary schools and nursing homes and day-care centres which involves children paying monthly visits to help bridge the gap between generations.More information see:, Toolbox 'Changing Culture' Guidance document on how to changing an institutionalised culture in nursing homes and day-cares centres to a “life worth living” culture by competence development for employees. More information see:, Competence Bank Guidance document on how to work with strategic competence development and build up a competence bank within the health and care professions, giving instructions on work process, checklists, templates and equipment.More information see:, Home Visits Preventive home visits to elderly made by staff with social and medical competence to give information about what services are available for elderly people, to use risk assessment tools for assessing nutrition and fall risk and ask questions about daily life to identify potential problems. A guidance document is available for municipalities wanting to replicate the model.More information see:, Education Concept: Medical Handling Training to increase knowledge about medicine handling for staffs in the home help care services.More information see:, Virtual Meeting Place A virtual information and activity centre where people can exchange ideas and find information about activities and resources that are of local interest for seniors, in particular those living in sparsely populated areas where people with common interests might be hard to find. The virtual meeting place is administrated and run by the organizations that offers activities for seniors, which can both be private companies as well as other voluntary organizations. More information see:, Informal Physical Meeting Spaces Informal Physical Meeting Places provide a place for seniors to meet without obligation and to organize voluntary work, where the seniors contribute, to cross-generation activities and senior to senior activities. It is self-organised by the seniors, but the municipality may provide staff hours in the process, to help with coordination.More information see:, Self- generated activities Guidance on how to organise self generating activities and an idea bank with reference material and reference groups to promote “self-generated” activities.More information see:, Vintage Housing Guidance on how to create and build a housing form which is specially adapted to elderly people. In the so-called ‘Vintage housing apartments’, doorways are widened, some interior walls are removed, bathrooms are changed, there are common areas of the building to facilitate social interaction and a guest room for relatives and friends who visit as well as an outdoor environments which increases accessibility and opportunities for socialization.More information see:,

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  • 53.7%   1 074 788,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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