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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school has provided an economical, business study programme in English for students aged 15-19/20. The main aims of the school is to improve and innovate this programme and make it more up-to-date according to the EU politics for youth mobility, to improve key competences of students - participants (in IT, professional business, languages, mathematics – financial management, personal, soft skills, cultural understanding etc.) for better understanding of international labour market and to widen opportunities for future professional life of our graduates. Objectives of this project are in accordance with the aims in field of education it offers: to support development of practical knowledge and experience, to enhance understanding of international business and labour market, to get skilled in diverse business areas, to use recognition tools of EU, to enhance entrepreneurship, digital skills, multilingualism, to improve presentational skills and independence. Participants are students of the latter years of business study, who want to improve themselves by doing/practising and whose moral and working habits are at a certain level (according the study results and attitude towards working given tasks out or voluntary afterschool activities). Their key learning language is English, key subjects are related to economics – finance, supply, PR and HR management, trading, international trading, marketing, administration, IT etc. The outputs are multimedia presentations prepared and presented by the participants for representatives of the companies, other students and teachers. We are happy to announce the positive answers in questionnaires and of course positive oral evaluation, which we have published in our two brochures marking the project activities and at the website of the project and in two issues of the school magazine - Sršeň, as well as on social networks among public and friends of participants. The outcomes are described within the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) and EuropassMobility documents. Learning by doing has many long – term benefits for every participant in future higher studies and at working life. Cooperation with school of the same specialization, the school established and run in more developed background then we are, has a positive effect on current tendency of vocational education in our region.. Questionnaire was fulfilled by the participants and we produced the charts based on their answers, which have proved a very positive and important impact on the level of professional and personal and linguistic skills which have been improved the most and this could not be reached if the practise had taken place at home. The participants have claimed that being a part of this project has had a positive impact on them in many ways, in professional and personal development, has had a great impact on their understanding of differences in business world and in everyday life abroad. They could learn about diversity in customs and in approaches while solving everyday situations, they have learned the importance about being open minded and being communicative, having and showing interest in what they do. The Dutch students can learn about differences in doing business in Easter Europe and about difficulties we face earning so less money in this region but still working hard to survive and be successful. They learn about our Slovak culture and way of life.The participation in such projects stimulates active learning and mobility among young people and among public who has become more aware of different possibilities of labour markets. It stimulates the creativity in thinking and then in living. The level of success was proved by the best results of participants in their practical finals in Economics and in their state exams in Business and Business English which were due in April and May in 2015 and 2016. This project has an impact on public, as we promote the contribution of EU and targeting it at youth is a way how to develop the regions and country. Because the project is a part of reciprocity with the school in Almere, their students have been coming to our pro-export companies, are guided by our students, we deepen the understanding between business and school world and it is a great way how to forget on prejudice and to gain cultural awareness and understanding. We all who are involved in this project feel that we have set a very fruitful cooperation that can be a perfect contribution to the students and teachers on both sides and because of this we would like to keep our cooperation under the frame of Erasmus + to continue.
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