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"Otros países, otras experiencias"
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Other countries, other experiences" is an Erasmus+ KA102 project, developed by IES María de Zayas y Sotomayor during the academic year 2015/16. It includes two different activities: -four mobilities for VET trainingship in companies for students of 'Bakery, pastry and confectionery', in Lübeck (Germany). -and 4 mobilities for staff training abroad. Two of them to Lübeck (Germany), and another two to Kotka (Findland), aimed at teachers of this cycle or cycles related to it, and teachers of initial vocational training and members of the management team. This project is a continuation and improvement of the european projects carried out by our school for its vocational students and teachers: - IVT project "Alemania, dulce y salada" (2011-1-ES1-LEO01-33367), which involved six mobilities for students of 'Bakery, pastry and confectionery', to three German cities: Aachen, Lübeck and Nuremberg. -the project called "Alemania con gusto" in 2013 (2013-1-ES1-LEO01-66743), which included six mobilities for vocational and training students to Aachen (Germany). - and the project "Alemania con gusto II" in 2014, which involved four mobilities for students of 'Bakery, pastry and confectionery' (2014-1 - ES01-KA102-000319) to Aachen (Germany). With this new project, IES María de Zayas y Sotomayor High School has sought to continue their path of internationalization, which without a doubt, and as happened in previous projects, will provide positive synergies in the school, based on the experiences of students and teachers. In the project "Other countries, other experiences", one of the selected partners to receive workplacement students and teachers has been the German Chamber of Arts and Crafts in Lübeck. It had already collaborated as a host partner in previous mobility projects and once more has helped us in the management of the project very efficiently. This organisation has been chosen because it´s a reference in the start-up, development and control of the german vocational training system and has extensive experience and involvement in european international programs, as they already showed us in previous years. The other participating partner in the project has been EKAMI a Finnish vocational training school that offers continuous, initial vocational training and apprentice training. It has helped us in the management of the mobilities for two of our teachers. It´s an already known partner, that had collaborated successfully with our school in mobilities for higher education students and teachers in previous years. The aims for the students in this project, are directly related to those that appear in the curriculum of the studies of "Bakery, Pastry and Confectionery', which are to improve the students´ professional skills for their later incorporation to the labour market, to meet other elaborations, working methods, production systems, and to get to know another culture and language. Thanks to this project, participating students have undertaken a vocational training workplacement in Germany, a country with a recognized tradition in the elaboration of breads and sweets, and suitable experience and facilities to host students workplacements. This experience has let the students to acquire knowledge, skills and qualifications that have improved their personal development, employability and their active participation in society. The students´ mobilities lasted 10 weeks and were carried out from March 30 to June 7, 2016. Students have undertaken their complete workplacement period in companies of Lübeck. This project also included four mobilities for staff training abroad, which were meant to expand and enrich their professional development, promoting intercultural education and contact with different educational systems. It will positively affect both the teachings and the attitudes in the sending institution. Two of the mobilities for teachers training have been in Lübeck (Germany). The target of these mobilities were getting to know different methodological and organizational strategies and strengthen the relationships with a partner so valuable as the Chamber of Arts and Crafts of Lübeck. The teachers visited the Chamber and their training centres, they carried out job shadowing activities in the vocational school BBZ from Bad Segeberg, wich is linked to the Chamber and visited participating students in the project. The other two mobilities for staff training abroad went to the city of Kotka in Finland, country that it´s a reference in educational aspects. The aim of these mobilities were to observe the strategies used by teachers in one as prestigious as the Finnish educational system with students of similar profiles to initial vocational training students. Their stay lasted one week.

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