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Otomotiv Sanayi için Büro Yönetimi Elemanı Yetiştirme Projesi
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Content and Background of Project: Our project was born from the need to increase the quality of vocational training given to employees in the field of Office Management and Executive Assistant within the thousands of organizations which are members of Ankara Chamber of Tradesmen and Artisans. The problem of qualification levels of Office staff who Works for the companies in the automotive industry became a very important issue in the problem agenda of these institutuions with regard to globalisation trends. Ankara Tradesmen and Craftsmen Chamber prepared this Project in oreder to meet the qualification needs of Office staff working for its member companies. Within this context the Project aims to increase the level of qualification level of vocational training staff of the institutions in Office Management in the EU countries. Objectives of the project: - to increase the level of qualification of vocational education staff who Works for Ankara Chamber of Tradesmen and Artisans and other project partners, -Office Management and Executive Assistant to increase the productivity of office workers with high-quality vocational education in the area, -Sustaining the-job vocational qualification increased staff productivity and employability, -International Winning staff with professional qualifications in support of increasing business capacity, -Thereby contributing to the increase of the country's economy and institutions-work life of the professional staff of business efficiency, -To increase the quality level of vocational education staff and vocational education by sharing the Project achievements with national education authorities , -To increase and improve the conditions and reputation of the profession by increasing the quality of vocational education, The number and profile of participants: Project owner Ankara Tradesmen and Artisans Chambers with Ostim which partner Organized Industrial Zone 15 due to the existing vocational training capacity of staff, Mamak Public Training Center 10 staff Atatürk Girls' Technical and Vocational High School and Ostim Consulting and Training Company will take part in the project with five staff. Vocational training projects with a total of 50 staff will be participating. Participants applicant and partner in Office Management Assistant Administrator in the field of vocational education institutions and vocational education and training that trainers are managers planner. Description of activities Project participants visited the vocational training project partners which are private and public institutions located in Germany and Portugal, the mobility duration was 2 weeks for each mobility action. Mobility of dates: (March 1 -16 March 2015) Portugal Mobility 10 people (28 March-12 April 2015) Mobility in Germany Group 1, 20 people (1 May to 16 May 2015) Mobility in Germany Group 2 , 20 people The methodology used in the Project Execution In order to realize a successful and transparent Project management, the Project management team has been established after the Turkish National Agency declared that our Project is one of the successful projects in 2014. The project team consisting of a representative from each of the local partner institution, with the project coordinator, the project owner will be responsible for conducting all the operations of the institution project. Projected Results and Impacts Enhancing the quality of vocational training in vocational training institutions of all your projects in the field of Office Management and Executive Assistant Staff are given training to gain professional qualifications -Meslekî educational institutions internationally. Business efficiency of organizations working with professional staff and business -Nitelikl capacity increase Possible Benefits of Long Term - The quality level of education institutions will be moved to the national training program. - Will increase the employability of professional staff. - foreign language proficiency increased staff by helping to increase the import and export capacity of institutions, organizations and will contribute to the national economy. -The Organization provides continuity of employment terms and conditions of employment by improving high employee vocational qualification. -Using -European Union funds will increase the number of institutions and individuals to improve the vocational education qualification. -Emphasis on Personal and professional development will increase the number of vocational training staff.
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9 Partners Participants