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Otevření cesty do Evropy žákům SPŠP-COP Zlín nejen prostřednictvím jazykových kurzů jejich vyučujících
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was implemented under long-term needs of the school and defined during several preparatory project meetings where school management discussed everything with the project manager. The most important points were agreed and made into project objectives on which we will focus. Creating this project was based on long-standing needs of our school which has been trying to deal with problems created by decreased number of our students caused by population decline. At the same time we want to react to demanding requirements of the labour market where high demand for our graduates speaks clearly in our favour. With this project we want to improve linguistic knowledge of our teachers who will be able to develop professionally in the future by participating in webinars, international seminars, conferences and job shadowings, and we want to use them as accompanying teachers for students going to internships abroad, which we intend to implement in the forthcoming years. We are also persuaded that taking part in language courses will enrich our teachers in the view of pedagogy as they will become students again and can experience their students´ feelings. As a result their motivation to create more attractive and inspiring environment in their classes will grow. The aims of the project are as follows: improving language skills of all participants, reinforcing teamwork within our school, strenghtening the spirit of European solidarity through the exchange of experience with course participants from other European countries, obtaining new and inspiring approaches and methodologies to negotiate with pupils and gaining necessary knowledge needed for creating a succesful project in program KA2 strategic partnership. Fourteen teachers of our school wil take part in this project: teachers of vocational training, ICT, polygraphy, leather and plastic processing, engineering and maths will take part in language courses. Manager of this project will take part in "Quality EU Project Management – Erasmus+" where she will gain knowledge which is necessary for creating our own project in KA2 strategic partnership. All participants are very active in all schools matters and provide other activites connected with increasing the quality of lessons and prestige of the school by preparing our students for competitions, running clubs, taking part in Open Door Days and recruiting activities during visits of elementary schools in Zlín Region. We also want to create more attractive and inspiring environment at our classses and as a result to both attract a higher number of incoming attendants and prevent our pupils from dropping out of school. This we consider the most important impact as well as long-term contribution of this project.Due to their mobilities, all participants will develop and improve their language and communicative competences, identify new, innovative teaching methods and broaden their horizons in terms of multicultural relations, education towards European unity and the process of globalization.International mobilities are irreplaceable in respect of acquiring practical experience. Participation in this project will definitely help us to improve the quality of teaching and motivation of both students and teachers. Moreover, comparing education in other European countries and our attitudes to education and teaching is an inspiring aspect which will move us onwards.

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