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Όσο ζω μαθαίνω, όσο μαθαίνω μοιράζομαι S H A R E (Sensibility, Hope, Awareness, Respect, Enthusiasm)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Programme Title: As long as I live, I learn... As long as I learn, I share! S H A R E (Sensibility, Hope, Awareness, Respect, Enthusiasm Our school is a state senior High School in a small provincial town Xanthi ( Thrace ). It consists of 500 students aged 15 -18 years old and 50 teachers, living in a multicultural society. Due to their low social status children have poor perceptions and motivation from their families, so the school is required to play an important role in stimulating students to improve their performance, reduce the rate of absenteeism and prevent early school-leaving. This project has been prepared in order to introduce in the status of the 2nd Lyceum of Xanthi the ability of the school staff to broaden their horizons beyond the local boundaries with the ultimate aim of improving the operation and learning process for the benefit of themselves as well as the benefit of all members of the school and especially of students. In an increasingly challenging school environment with new demands, the objective of the project is to provide all members of the school unit incentives to become better through the demonstration, implementation and evaluation of best management practices, communication, collaboration and teaching. “Best” for teachers means that they are willing to implement innovative practices in the educational process, well equipped when confronting pupils, with more intercultural and European conscience and technophobia-free. “Best” for students means, that they are more active members of the school community with an interest in exploiting new practices with legitimate curiosity for new things, cooperation with more qualified teachers and having a sense of European identity. The 6 participants are qualified experienced teachers with excellen knowledge of the English language, familiarity with new technologies, motivation for improvement and dissemination of results. With the cooperation and consultation of the school unit the trainings selected are moving on two axes:
a) use of new technologies and innovative teaching methods in education
b) creating a friendly learning environment Briefly the activities to be implemented are: - Participation of teachers in seminars that wish to integrate new practices in teaching, targeted to new technologies, but also contact with teachers from other countries and visits to schools abroad. For the implementation of the project there will be initially a direct briefing of the school community and the local community about the program objectives. Then there will be the selection and preparation of the participants in mobilities, stating needs and expectations of the project, implementing evaluation methods of the project before, during and after the mobilities. Emphasis is given to the implementation of new practices in the school routine, and dissemination of results (Internet, Social Media, Local Newspapers, meetings) in order to have the desired impact on our school, students, parents and anyone who it may concern. The main benefit of this project is to restart vigorness to all "pillars" of our school in order to become a place where students will find the best education and cooperation to prevent school dropouts, and the staff will utilize the ever-improving technology and the building hardware. This way they will be more and more motivated and triggered through good cooperation with the administration, in a new more European environment.
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