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Osallisuus ja aktiivinen oppiminen
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are the second largest comprehensive school in Vantaa. Our school is a comprehensive school with students from different kind of families, cultures and language groups. Our ten-year-old school has been throughout its existence in constant state of flux due to development of the region. This development is something the school needs to response.The school offers to both students and teachers varied opportunities to influence, participate and develop their strengths. The new curriculum is coming, and we all have our efforts involved in thinking about new ways of working and leading towards the future of our school. Understanding and appreciating multiculturalism, improvement in physical competence and well-being as well as inclusion of students and active learning are the themes that connects us applicants together.The main goal in our project is to develop teaching to increase students' participation. Our goal is based on the new curriculum where the concept of learning is student-centered. The new curriculum will be introduced in schools in August 2016. This time the teacher and student roles are going to change. The students are directed to take more and more responsibility for their own learning, to share their own knowledge and to act as an active part of the school community. It is important to find new and innovative ideas and practices in everyday school life and in teaching when facing this change. International networking, cooperation and cultural competence have an important role in the future of the school and this project gives our school a chance to live in the spirit of the time.Teachers involved in the project are committed to implementing practical measures related to the project:1. The teacher's own development and networking, whereby the teacher brings the learned elements from contacts created at the courses into her own teaching. The students will be involved as well. A concrete form of cooperation could be e.g. a course carried out with European colleagues and based on working online.2. We will create our own blog site for the project which can be combined with the eTwinning platform. Participants will write about the preparations for courses, their experiences of the courses and the impact of the courses on their own teaching and on the new created networks.3. At the end of our project in Fall 2018 we will celebrate on the international day. The theme will be “Together in Europe”. The day will be set on the year-round home-school co-operation day, when parents will be invited to school. The program will be build up on the basis of the experiences and ideas from the courses. 4. Related to the project, we will nominate 1-2 teachers, who are orientated to inclusion and multiculturalism. These support-teachers will actively collaborate with the school’s internationality team. The role of support-teachers is to advise, share information and train colleagues to everyday challenges related to pupils with social exclusion.The effects on our school activities will be seen in increased cultural awareness with the accompanying teachers and with the students, these teachers have involved to the project. We expect that students' language skills will be improved and the courage to communicate increases. In our experience, involvement in international projects inspires colleagues to take note of the selected perspective in their own teaching planning and implementation.

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