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Organising Latvian-Lithuanian cross-border basketball championships and streetball tournaments (Ball-Border-Basket)

Basketball and street ball as team gameshave become one of the most popularsports in Latvia and Lithuania, however onlocal level organization of tournaments isvery limited and potential of such events forinvolving local people in active sports life isunder utilised.The project objective is to establish atradition of regular basketball championshipsand street ball tournaments withparticipation of teams from border areamunicipalities.The project results in the establishment ofcooperation network of the sport institutionson both sides of the border, increasedinterest of local population in sports andhealthy lifestyle as well as initiates thetradition of regular championships bycreating a Borderland Basketball League,organizing joint championship and 2 streetball tournaments which are promoted ona specially developed website. In addition,10 sport halls and 5 street ball fields arerenovated and equipped thus creatingconditions for regular training of basketballand street ball players.
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  • 75%   573 159,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Latvia - Lithuania - Belarus (LV-LT-BY)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

9 Partners Participants