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Organisation und Durchführung von EU-Auslandspraktika für SchülerInnen der BHAK/BHAS Liezen
Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Jun 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background is the new curriculum of the Handelsakademie which provides a compulsory internship for students from the school year 2013/2014. To test the exact processes previously, the BHAK/BHAS Liezen has found a project team consisting of four project members who are responsible for the organization and implementation of EU foreign internships. Therefore the BHAK/BHAS Liezen wants to test the entire process of application training on job search right through to completing the funding application to Erasmus+ and to gather important experiences for the following students which has to complete an internship. The aim of the project is to send as many students as possible into an EU foreign country to establish a partnership with companies abroad. Moreover the BHAK/BHAS Liezen would like to use the existing partnerships with regional companies to work with them and their foreign locations. This offers the opportunity to secure reliable and tested internships for the future students. The sustainability of the project effect of "europe calling" is very significant for the BHAK/BHAS Liezen. In preparation for the internship the students enjoyed an intense application training. In addition, the for the internship responsible teaching team (Mrs. Mag. Angelika Fuchs, Mrs. Mag. Eveline Chaves-Diaz) actively supported the students in finding a job and even provided their private contacts. Depending on the internship the students should have a taste in school-specific professions such as billing, accounting, marketing, sales, etc. The most important goals to be achieved through an internship by the stundets of the BHAK/BHAS Liezen are: -Improvement of foreign language skills -Insights into an international company -Meet the international economy in general -Application of theoretical skills learned at school in practice -Meet the culture and traditions of the hospitable country -Make friendships over time of the placement abroad -Insights into different professional areas -Develop understanding from "non-austrian" way of working -Exchanging experiences between colleagues in practice -Meet and appreciate the diversity of the European Union Above all with help of the project "europe calling" the BHAK/BHAS Liezen wants to provide reliable and tested internships to future students, who has to do a compulsory one. The students who are interested in an internship in an EU foreign country should profit from a guide, which will be especially made. This guide will be made from the project members of "europe calling", in which every important step, information and experience is held.
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