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Orbis Pictus II - Nové horizonty
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Orbis Pictus - New Horizons Project will enable our school to continue the development of its creative curriculum. We believe that this is important in order to develop the children holistically and to provide them with skills that they can use throughout their lives: communication, knowledge and acceptance of other cultures, self-expression and confidence amongst others. Developing these skills and creativity is particularly important for our students regarding our curriculum: Foreign languages, Maths, Literacy, and Science, in order to increase their motivation and positivity towards learning. We look for ways how to to encourage them to continue their learning beyond and outside of compulsory education. Our staff will be able to participate in and contribute to this vision and continue both their own professional and self development. We feel that this is vital in order for the message of the importance of life-long learning to be passed on to our pupils. The selected participants in this project will demonstrate that they are willing and able to participate in this vision for our school through their current involvement with school life and their openness to continuing their professional development and developing our pupils' creativity. We plan to realise at least 18 mobilities. Those will have a significant impact at the target group of teachers, pupils of three partenrs ( cca 1000 persons ), not counting the wider community. The resulst will be presented in the form of direct teaching, discussion panels, informative materials. We considet the language courses to be essential for an improvement of our future language education. In the wider horizon we plan to open an EU cooperation not only between school partners, we are in touch with the local authorities, and stilll trying to manage a project connecting formal and informal learning.
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2 Partners Participants