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Optimized Fuels for sustainable transport in Europe (OPTFUEL)
Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

OPTFUEL undertakes a first large scale demonstration of the Biomass to Liquid (BtL) production chain from biomass via gasification and fuel synthesis to the final fuel in the consumer car. BtL production will be demonstrated in an industrial size plant environment (15000 t/a). All production chain components from biomass provision up to market introduction of final consumer fuels containing BtL will be optimized and demonstrated including: The preparation of a feedstock supply concept for a large scale BtL plant of 200.000 t/a, 200 ha of perennial crop cultivation, static and dynamic process modelling for upscaling, BtL production, blending and fuel upgrading techniques, testing of BtL diesel and naphtha blends in advanced EU V engines, vehicles and future engine concepts. Commonly agreed fuel specifications will be derived for BtL-blend fuels. Well to Wheel (WTW) analysis of this pathway with different parameter studies, dissemination of biomass supply concepts and the demonstration of BtL blend fuel in show cars are included. VOLKSWAGEN has joined forces with Ford and Renault providing test facilities for the new fuels which are produced by Choren Industries, the leading company in biomass gasification for synthetic transport fuels including adapted feedstock concepts. CONCAWE, the research organisation of the mineral oil industry and research institutes IFP and Certh responsible for blending and upgrading BtL ensure a high quality fulfilling the requirements of a premium diesel fuel. Invensys for modelling the production plant, the Indian Institute of Technology for testing BtL blends in the Indian market and SYNCOM a project management enterprise are complementing the consortium. The results of this project are expected to be the basis for a 200.000 t/a BtL production unit in Europe.
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