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Optimierung des Englischunterrichts und des bilingualen Unterrichts
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Three years ago, the Grundschule Dresselndorf started with CLIL lessons in Sports, Music and Religion. The idea to start with CLIL arised out of the contacts and partnerships to different European CLIL schools. The realisation and organisation was based on relevant literature and a visit to the next German CLIL school 100km apart from us in Cologne. This was a pioneer project, as there was no concept or support for primary schools from the school authority. The newly planned project is about optimising the pragmatically started way to insert CLIL subjects at our school.Our experience has to be balanced, added and optimised by the knowledge and experience of others. In addition to that we need to increase English language competencies, especially in speaking fluency. To realise the planned project, we'd like to take advantage of two development courses abroad. One will be joined by the headmistress, this course is about a strategical development and in addition to this to learn about new internet tools to use in the CLIL classroom. The second course will be joined by our trainee. This course is aimed to increase her language knowledge, in particular her speaking fluency. She will also learn about innovative teaching English methods, such as teaching student-centred, cooperative and using ICT tools. Both main activities will be introduced in the colleagues' meeting, as the decision for CLIL was made here and it is necessary to keep the positive attitude of the colleague for the whole project. Nothing will be more convincing than trying for high quality in CLIL lessons.

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