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Optimierung der Lehrerqualifikation bezüglich der Fremdsprachenkompetenz (Englisch), der Erweiterung des Methoden- und Technologiewissens sowie des Erwerbs vertiefender Einblicke in andere Schulsysteme, auch hinsichtlich inklusiver Unterrichtsarbeit
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the 2-years-period we will send 8 teachers for a teacher-training-course to the United Kingdom, Malta and Ireland and 1 member of our school to a job-shadowing-measure to our partner school in Scotland. The aims of these teacher-training-courses are to improve the quality of teaching English in our school with our young learners (6-10) and increase their motivation to speak a foreign language. As not all of our teachers studied the English language for use in primary classrooms they need to get some distinct input and thus increase their motivation to teach it. So we expect to open pupils' minds more easily and effectively for Europe and the European idea by learning something about and from our partner school and countries. For us teachers we inform ourselves about new teaching methods, topics, vocabulary, pronounciation, as well as handling pupils with special needs. Furthermore we enlarge our knowledge of ICT-skills and increase our creativity in the classrooms. We expect our colleagues to motivate our pupils in a more effective way due to their new cultural and methodological knowledge. Getting in contact with different cultures during the lessons will help our pupils to create a solid basis towards the European Idea.During the job-shadowing our teacher will get the opportunity to learn more about the partner school with respect to paedagogical methods, school structures, relationship between school and administration, cultural life, differences and similarities of school and daily life, regional distinctions and a lot more. At the beginning we gave all interested colleagues information about all possible KA1 projects. In a meeting with every interested colleague, the headteacher and the school Erasmus Team they had to explain their motiviation to attend a mobility (course or job shadowing) and to declare that they are willing to follow the training course referring to our school parameter (preparation, post processing, etc.). We also expect that they are open-minded about new european contacts during these mobilities. While planning and being abroad the Erasmus+ Team will always help if needed. Coming back they will instruct the other colleagues during our regular conferences about their proficiency and experiences as well as their new suggestions. We also plan to inform our whole school community in a meeting and put a report on our school website. As to our teaching in a primary school we are convinced that an open mind for other cultures can not only be achieved by learning English as a foreign language but also by learning more details about other aspects of family, cultural and social life.Our reviewed language teaching will be more relevant and motivating to all: teachers, pupils and parents.
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