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Opso Pro Metropolitan 2014-2016
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Opso Pro Metropolitan 2104-2016 is a multidiciplinary networking project of four organizers of Apprenticeships. The coordinator is Helsinki Vocational College and sending bureaus of Apprenticeships are in Helsinki Vocational College, Omnia, Keuda and OSAO. Opso Pro Metropolitan 2014-2016 is one of the two regional projects under the umbrella of the Finnish Association of Organizers of Apprenticeships to increase the mobility of apprentices and develop the mobility activities. The aim of the project is to improve the professional skills of the apprentices and strengthen their foreign language skills and knowledge of another European culture. One aim is also to support the lifelong learning skills like problem solving skills, communication skills, initiative and entrepreneurship. This project wants to strengthen the co-operation between the vocational training and life of work, as the companies are involved in this project both as sending their own apprentices and as hosting the in-coming foreign apprentices to on-the-job learnign period. The aim of the staff mobility exchanges is to encourage the personnel of the bureaus of Apprenticeships and the training companies to develop the apprenticeship training through international co-operation. Development ideas and models for example especially for the apprenticeship training of youngsters are searched. With the help of the VET staff mobilities also their commitment to develop the mobilities of apprentices increases. In the project the network partners organise 43 apprentice mobility exchanges in another EU/ETA-country for Finnish apprentices, who are completing vocational qualifications, further or specialist quialifications in different professional fields. The hosting partners in eight countries have been chosen in order to enable a multi-field project. The apprentices have a work contract with their employers and they apply for a work leave for the time of the on-the-job learning period abroad. Also apprentices who work as entrepreneurs are encouraged to participate on-the-job learning abroad. The length of the exchange varies from two weeks to eight weeks due to the fact that the apprentices are in work contract with the training companies. Most of the exchanges are carried out in spring term in April-May, even though some indivivual exchanges may also be carried out in another time of the year. In the project the network partners organise 16 VET staff mobilities for the personnel of the bureaus of Apprenticeships and on-the-job trainers / training planners in the companies / organisations which train apprentices. The VET staff mobilities are organised in the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Ireland and Iceland. In the exchanges for the VET staff the participants get acquainted with the work of apprenticeship training provider in the target country and with the develoment themes chosen for each mobility exchange. The project strengthens the equality of the apprenticehip training in the vocational education and training as also apprentices are offered possibilities to participtae on-the-job learning periods abroad. The project also strengthens the network of international bureaus on Apprenticeship with one new Finnish partner and brings the internationality stronger to apprenticeship training and bureaus on Apprenticeships. In the project by benchmarking the practices in other countries the partners obtain views and ideas for the development of apprenticeship training in Finland, especially for the Apprenticeships for youngsters.
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11 Partners Participants