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Opportunities abroad 2015
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At Fagerlia Upper Secondary School, we have for many years had many international projects for our students in general studies. We now want to extend this to also include our students in vocational programs. We want to start this project to be able to give students and teachers new impulses and challenges. To be updated on the international trends within the trade is important. We have also seen that the possibility to take part in international activities helps recruit new students. Students who have participated in international projects have shown an increased motivation to finish their education and this will therefore help prevent school-drop-out. The main purpose of this project will be to improve the quality of the education we offer. It will also contribute to better qualified teachers and help students develop professional and social skills. The main activity in this project will be work placements. We will send 40 Child- and youthwork students and Healthwork students for work placements in kindergartens/schools and various health institutions in Denmark and in France. I addition, four teachers will be able to go abroad to update their skill through this project. For the work placements for the students we will send 4 accompanying persons. We expect the following results: Professional and personal development which will make the participants better qualified and more motivated for their future jobs. The participants will have increased confidence in their professional and social skills. Impulses back to school and companies when the participants share their experiences. l Make it more interesting for young people to go into these trades. Long term effects will of course be that the participants will better their language skills, but also that they will come home with experiences of how it feels to be a stranger in an environment where one does not understand all the unwritten codes. This will make them better qualified and more tolerant in meetings with people with a background different from their own. This will be very important in workplaces where they in the future will meet increasing cultural differences. The pedagogical development part will have ong term effect on the the organization when it comes to our planning and evaluation of workplacement periodes.
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