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Oppia Euroopasta
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Learning Europe" is a project built on cooperation between two music institutes, Concervatorio de Música de Murcia of Spain and Lappeenranta Music Institute in Finland. Both parties found each other through a joint project in 2005. Both schools represent a long history in music education in their own cultural environment. This project aims to dig deep into the different systems of music education and into the concrete pedagogical work done in both schools through observation. Both parties are medium size schools considering staff size and student body and so are easily comparable. This project is built on visitations to both schools. Both parties have 12 members of their teaching and administration facculty involved. The teachers come with a long teaching experience. Some also have experience in international projects. During visits cooperation is deepend with meetings. Through observation teachers learn of new teaching practises. New cutural influences are transformed into teachers' own pedagogical methodology and national music provided by both parties broaden the participants' musical horizon. Due to this project the teachers' readiness for new international projects increases. The aim is to find new pedagogical models and ideas and to infiltrate those into teachers' own pedagogical methodology. Also influences of the two different cultures connecting will hopefully be transformed to the students in both cultures and also into the whole cultural environment.
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