European Projects
Opening up education through the school projects a..
Opening up education through the school projects and ICT
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
The project title is 'Opening up education through the school projects and ICT'.
This is a Strategic Partnerships between six schools, that will start on 1 September 2015 and will last 24 months.
The students directly involved in the project are between 13 and 19 years old.
The project coordinator is Tsar Simeon Veliki Secondary school from Bulgaria.
Partners in this Strategic partnership are:
LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE "E.MAJORANA" - secondary school from Italy,
1st Lyceum Egaleo - secondary school from Greece,
Nolaskolan - secondary school from Sweden,
LICEUL TEORETIC INDEPENDENTA CALAFAT - secondary school from Romania,
Mobil Imam Hatip Ortaokulu - pre secondary school from Turkey.
Some of the schools have classes with intensive learning of English, ICT and science. One school- Mobil Imam Hatip Ortaokulu, never been previously involved in a similar project.
We want to build strong partnership.
The project goal is to impact on educational methods in school. To help students to connect the classroom knowledge with the real life. To foster inter-subject education and ICT based learning. And in this way to reduce early school leaving.
To reach that we stated our objectives:
1. Develop the methodology how to implement school projects into the curriculum.
2. Enhance students basic skills and their ability to see the whole subjects as a set of related ideas.
3. Enhance students' and teachers' ICT and digital skills.
To achieve our objectives we will develop the methodology based on an example project, but the principles can be adapted for any project topic. We will use as a tool the project about healthy nutrition. The working topic 'Eat healthy - live healthy' will give added value to our project - will help against students overweight and will build new healthy nutrition habits.
Our Transnational Strategic Partnership will have next main actions:
- Teachers will make researches and create methodology how the project can be implemented into the curriculum (subjects, number of lessons, themes, methods etc.)
- The topic will be developed in Biology, Chemistry, Math, ICT, English, Literature and Sport lessons
- The teachers will make a researches and summarize a teaching methods, tools and ideas. They will cooperate horizontally - with teachers from their schools and vertically with their transnational partners. They will invite as consultants experts from University
- ICT will be a tool that teachers and students will use for communication, cooperation and dissemination. The project will provide ICT- based teaching and learning
- As a stakeholders will be involved Local authorities and decision-makers in field of education, Health institutions, and parents' society.
For communication, collaboration and dissemination we will use eTwinning platform, EU Dissemination platform, web 2.0 tools - Facebook, e-test and e-quizzes, surveys with SurveyMonkey, live meetings, e-mails, online workshops and discussions, Padlet, QR code, presentations, conference. We will enrich our online methods with 1 joint staff training event in the beginning of the project, 4 transnational management meetings - planning meeting at the beginning, at the end of first year, at the beginning and at the end of second project year, and 1 multiplier event.
Our project goals and objectives foster to make changes in education. The project will produce one intellectual output -the methodology, other outputs like Nutrition guide, Vocabulary, brochures, photos, posters, exhibitions. All project products will be free for use and will be available online.
Qualitative results are Improved teaching competences from teachers, increased attainment of students and reduce of early school leaving, increased students and teachers competences in foreign languages, gained new healthy nutrition habits from students, enhanced ICT and digital skills from students and from teachers, more positive attitude towards the European project and the EU values, increased motivation and satisfaction in their daily work. The project will have impact on teaching policy and methodology on local, regional, national and transnational level. The publicity of project with such important goals and objectives, will have positive effect for the participating organizations' reputation.
Dissemination and exploitation of results are important part of our project. We will have dissemination activities at different stages of the project - before project, during the project and after the project. We will use for dissemination Internet, press and medias, workshops and conferences, meetings with decision-makers in field of education.
We want our project to have sustainable impact on teaching and educational methods. Every participating teacher will have European Skills Passport. Our project will have long term benefits. The project outputs and results will be used after the project lifetime.