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Open up the world to others: teach languages!
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Despite being an Outstanding school four times in a row, last April 2015 Cramlington Learning Village was judged in "Special Measures" by Ofsted inspection. As a result an improvement in all areas has been crucial for the school. A development with regards to the attitudes towards languages presented within the school is one of the key areas to ensure the school is heading to the right direction. There is the need to make professional relationships with schools abroad in order to strengthen the professional profile of the teaching professions. In addition, a consistently high level of French and Spanish throughout the department will help encourage students to learn through the example the teachers set. A higher status of MFL in our school would also lead to an increase in engagement. It is the case that the more engaged the student, the higher their attainment. In addition, a boost in motivation can prevent some students from leaving school early and not taking the opportunity to continue into KS5. It is also really important to mention that the students at Cramlington react well to finding out about different cultures and learning new languages. In the North East, where language –learning is not as popular as other areas of England, there has been a struggle to interest students in other places in the world. That said, at Cramlington, students are very curious and would respond very well to a more European influence. This in fact raised attainment in only 2 year of the project and the aim is to sustain and improve students' engagement in the long-term. The aim of this project was to send 3 members of staff on structured training courses in France/Spain over 2 years. These teachers plan to go more than once over this time, as there will be a continual need for professional development, following on from our experiences. The colleagues selected for the project are already proficient in French and Spanish, however being exposed to both languages thanks to native speakers and spending time in France and Spain has developed their language skills and they were able to observe different methodologies. These members of staff returned to the UK with their knowledge and used it to implement it into Cramlington’s curriculum. The staff involved had regular meetings (once a month) to discuss the action plan and the areas we would like to focus in particular during our trip. For example, it will be interesting to see how Spanish/French education uses differentiation to ensure everybody in the class is supported and challenged. Another area of interest was how language learning can be more engaging for the students. It has been an excellent opportunity to share ideas with other practitioners, liaise with schools both France and Spain with the potential to establish a partnership for trips abroad or multi-international projects in which students can see the benefits of learning the language and apply it to a real context. Also, it was a great incentive for both students and teachers to bring back into the classroom the atmosphere and the thrill of being abroad after a week of cultural immersion. After the trip, we organised a presentation to the department during CPD, displays around the school so the students can develop curiosity about going abroad therefore study the language. The school also set up a eTwinning programme and SKYPE project with the schools abroad so students can know each other and keep the language alive. The impacts that followed from taking part in the project were several such as: • improvement of language competence • increased confidence • improvement of teaching methods • motivation of pupils and staff • increased inter-cultural understanding through better contact with native speakers • professional networks to improve teaching and attainment
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