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Ontwikkeling Vvto Engels en internationalisering Teamleden Koningin Emmaschool Zwolle
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are an open Christian primary school in Zwolle. At this moment, our school consists of 390 pupils, in 15 different groups. At the start of the school year 2009-2010, we began our early foreign language education programme.At the moment, every group, group 1 and onwards, has a minimum of 90 minutes of English lessons, although these may be spread out at different times over the week. The children are taught by their own teacher. These lessons are given entirely in English, and in order to clearly mark the difference, a small Union Jack is placed in the middle of the class.Our whole team of teachers has been on a study visit to England in October 2014 to improve language- and teaching skills. To make this possible, we received a European Erasmus+ funding! The teachers have taken their CEFR-tests and have knowledge of their language skills. From the reference levels achieved and their own teaching / coaching by the coordinator VVTO they all have made their own learning objectives. We want to improve our quality of teaching English and our commitment to internationalization. The world is changing at breakneck speed, and we want to provide the kids at our school the best opportunities to grow and develop. The early learning of English and opportunities to explore a world that is bigger than our school is part of our vision.During this year, we are going to dot the i's when it comes to our policies/learning objectives. We’ve had a visitation from the EarlyBird organization in November 2015. This organization provides a quality mark that can be obtained to certify your English programme. This visitation was very useful for us and provided us with lots of new goals to improve our quality! During the schoolyear 2016/2017 we would like to prepare ourselves for the final EarlyBird visitation and by this our final certification. IIn this application we provide four very unique primary schools across Europe. We would like to form partnerships with these schools so we can learn and benefit from each other. Through a period of job-shadowing we would like to enable colleagues of our school to go abroad for a week or so. During this time they can experience life and teaching abroad and expand their horizons. We also are very happy to host colleagues from other countries at our school en in our city! We hope long-term contacts and exchanges through projects may develop. Not only between individual teachers, but also between the schools and pupils. We also would like to enable colleagues to enrol in a course abroad, based on their own learning objectives and development as teachers.

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