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Ontology Based Competency Matching between the Vocational Education and the WoRkplace
Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

Students finishing their studies at various levels of vocational education have to go through the organization’s Prior Learning Assessment, in which previous experience and qualifications are evaluated against entry requirements (skills and competencies) for the job role. The field of personnel selection has its roots in the notion that a candidates’ future job performance in a particular position may be predicted at the time of selection. Inferences that are made in personnel selection research can be classified into three approaches towards establishing the validity of predictor measures, namely 1) the content- related approach; 2) the criterion-related approach; and 3) the construct-related approach., Broad educational qualifications are too crude for purposes of personnel selection. We therefore want create more specific qualification to job matching, with the overriding purpose of tackling the conversion of vocational education qualifications into job related competencies. To facilitate this, an ontology supported selection and training system will be built in line with relevant HRM and Knowledge Management (KM) theories, employing existing educational technology such as Content Management Systems and adaptive testing. This eLearning interface will be able to • Map qualifications in vocational education to current and valid job roles• Test and evaluate students on the basis of valid, labor market driven competencies• Identify missing competencies and provide learning content needed to acquire them• Address the weaknesses of particular VET curricula, and thereby provide ad-hoc supportBased on this sampling we give an evaluation as to whether the selected individual meets the criteria of a given job profile of an existing company. Our framework encompasses a Domain Ontology, a VET Ontology, a mapping engine, and an adaptive testing engine. The Domain Ontology comprises a global map of the organizational needs and competencies needed to carry out valued activities within a particular field (in this case Information Technology). Based on this ontology specific job roles will be identified. Subsequently, a detailed description of the essential skills and competencies, that are required for being selected for a certain position, are framed in terms of student/applicant VET qualifications.The VET ontology describes which skills one needs to get a certain VE degree and also how these skills are constructed–for instance the factual knowledge they require–and their inter-relatedness. In order to benefit from the outputs of ontologies for training, selection and recruitment processes the Job role ontology must be embedded into an authoring environment, which will enable tutors to provide training according to the idiosyncratic needs of students. This authoring environment not only delivers learning content, but with its built-in test- and inference engine, reports the current eligibility of a particular student for the prerequisite skill s of a given Job-role.

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