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Only one world, don't waste it.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This saving consciousness and wasting management oriented partnership, while providing interaction of communities and individuals, it not only will keep forefront the identficiation of basic consumption materials(gas, electricity, water, paper,plastic and glass etc.) which are being most consumed by personals, students and parents of our school; but also will provide management and prevention of wasting these materials by making them used, reused and recycled efficiently to grow more skillful and conscious individuals for sustainable economic future in their own countries and world. It's clear that at schools both in Turkey and Europe, plastic and paper are the most consumed materials after electricity, water and gas. And also at our school, the usage of these materials is in high levels and very unconscious. As known, the raw and source of these basic comsumption materials are decreasing but the usage of them are increasing day by day. In this intense consumption world, Training and managing conscious and conditioned students who can internalize these saving and conscious behaviors and can transfer wasting behaviors to real life as saving behaviors is the most important and urgent task of us. Because According to EU Environment Commission: ’’If the rest of world lived like Europeans do, we would need two planet to support everyone’s demands’’. So we shouldn’t carry out only formal duties of our school but also non-formal for our future generation. We shouldn’t forget that the most valuable heritage which we can bequeath for our children is our world. We can achieve this prevention and management task by interaction in every respect of European schools. By mutual evaluation and working together, emerging different cultural, environmental and academic and practical learning approaches will be building blocks of our project works. At the same time in this Global crisis world, this consciousness will make our students more successful, flexible and entrepreneur in academic, social and economic life and they will discover the meaning of active European Citizenship. We will follow two thematic management activities to reach these goals and to assess the interactions between human health, environment and economy. First we will make more efficient and sustainable the usage of water, electricity and gas with the monthly bill questionnaire (smart bills). Second we will recycle and reuse plastic and paper efficiently by the power of garbage. In addition to these activites we will form Social clubs, Project schedule, Project decision book, Budget control file and Twinspace as main five tools to be ensure proper budget and time management.

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7 Partners Participants