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Οnline Benchmarking for the exploitation of renewable energy sources (EXPLORER)
Start date: Jun 30, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the project EXPLORER is to develop a methodology for the systematic investigation of the possibilities and preconditions for the promotion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in regional Energy Systems of the countries involved in this project. Efforts will be made to standardize the analytical approach so as to enable its application to other regions. The central aim of the project is to develop decision-making support tools for regional energy planning, conceived and geared towards the utilization of RES. In view of this specific objective, special emphasis will be given to: • Determining the set of data necessary to describe the energy systems and the exploitable RES potential. • Developing a decision-making support system capable of determining the optimum penetration level of the different RES. • Formulating an Action Plan for the integration of RES into the countries’ energy systems. The energy demand is met with the use of conventional fuels. The increase rates in energy demand and particularly electricity cause power inefficiency problems requiring expensive solutions in coping with peak power loads. The use of RES would result in substantial savings of oil and coal resources, while at the same time reducing the burden on the environment. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) constitute a substantial and inexhaustible energy potential which so far has remained largely unexploited. RES development prospects today are very encouraging, given the existence of mature technologies which make their utilization more feasible in economic terms. The challenges faced are the use of RES which implies a penetration on the energy market and acceptance by a wide range of potential customers. For this reason, the promotion of RES presupposes both changes within decision-making centers and modifications in the criteria used in decision-making processes. The objective of the project is to develop a methodology for the systematic investigation of the possibilities and preconditions for the promotion of RES in regional energy systems of the countries involved. The central aim of the present project is to develop decision-making support tools for regional energy planning, conceived and geared towards the utilization of RES. The main activities are: • Provision of a detailed description of the existing energy systems. • Energy demand forecasts. • Investigation on the possibilities for intervention in the existing energy systems. • Selection of the appropriate energy planning solution. • Analysis of the Socio-economic development of the countries. • Proposals on actions geared at increasing RES penetration in the countries’ energy systems. • Testing of the stability of the electricity systems in both steady-state and dynamic stability conditions. • Economical evaluation of the proposed measures. Expected Results: • Determination of the set of data necessary to describe the energy system and the exploitable RES potential. • Development of a decision-making support system capable of determining the optimum penetration level of the different RES. • Formulation of an Action Plan for the integration of RES into the countries’ energy systems. • The direct beneficiaries will be the domestic sector, the agricultural sector, industry, tertiary sector, transport of all countries involved
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  • 65%   558 652,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Archimed
  • Project on KEEP Platform

2 Partners Participants