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Onkoloji Hemşireliği Eğitimi
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is an Erasmus+ VET Project that has been prepared for students who are 10th and 11th grade students in Mürsel Anatolian health vocational high school. Even though our students study basic nursing courses both pratically and theoretically in our high schools, they don't have any information and awareness about oncology nursing because of the fact that it needs special education. For our students studying in the field of nursing, this awareness should be created.In addition to this,our student live the lack of some issues because of their environment where they live such as recognizing of different cultures, working in multicultural environment, seeing and respecting different life styles and using of their foreign language that learn in our schools. As a result of a 2-week placement,we aim that our participants who study in nursing field are going to gain knowladge and skills in oncology nursing.In addition to this, it is expected that our participants will understand the importance of foreign languages,have conscius of European citizenship and as self-confident people they will take responsibility. After the graduation of project participants,we anticipate at least half of our participants will be employed in the private and public hospitals.Thanks to nurses who have received training in this area patient satisfaction will increase.Also the need of trained personnel in health care industry will be reduced.As a result of dissemination activities,among the students who study in nursing field desired level perspective will be created. Our Project is going to last for 2 weeks in Germany and İspanya between the date 06/04/2015- 19/04/2015
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