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One Voice
Start date: Jan 4, 2016, End date: Apr 3, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

'One Voice' is an exchange between Untold, a group of young people in Amsterdam, passionate about dance and music, who despite barriers of language and culture will unite together in an exploration of culture and ACE Youth, a group of young people from Birmingham. The exchange will last for 7 days and will take place in Amsterdam for the first part and for the second part in Birmingham, both are most culturally diverse cities in europe. The aim of the weeks is for the groups to work together over a week, exploring their similarities and differences, exchanging ideas and practice in their particular dance forms and to create a new dance piece together which will be presented in thebdiffrent Theaters . They will learn from each other, exchanging information through peer to peer learning and working informally together at the rehearsal studios. The starting points for the work will be ‘How have our journeys differed? How has our shared Caribbean heritage influenced us, how has this experience been different and how has it been the same? How does it influence us as citizens of Europe? How has the cultural heritage of the different cultures influence our dance – for example Caribbean folk dances, contemporary European dance? How can we expand our way of dancing incorporating other influences?’ The young people will work together to exchange ideas about journeys, migration, their histories, cultures and heritage, their cities and how those cities have reacted to migration/immigration and use these exchanges to influence the choreography of the new piece. These discussions will take place as part of the rehearsal but also through visits to parts of the city that manifest how these journeys have changed the places where we live today. There will be 27 young people involved in the project. Activities will include discussions, informal social gatherings, trips to dance performances, excursions to places of interest and a performance by the young people to showcase what they create.

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