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One Nation Dance - Crossing Over
Start date: Apr 26, 2016, End date: Jul 25, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One Nation Dance – Crossing OverOne Nation Dance is an interdisciplinary and international dance theatre project and youth exchange. The German partners are the educational institution Tagungshaus Bredbeck, thecommunity centres Oslebshausen, Obervieland, Weserterrassen, the association Sportgarden, and the county sport association Osterholz. On the international side the partners are the Bethlehem Dance Theatre from Palestine and Keski-Uudenmaan Tanssiopisto from Finnland. Adopted are also international partners from Haifa, Danzig, Riga and Izmir etc., which are cities of a cultural partnership and exchange for Bremen.The project is connected to the idea of the One nation Cup, to an international sporting event, which has been organised worldwide since 2006 by Sportgarden. We wish to benefit from the already existing connections of this football event. We also wish to integrate another target groups to our project, which are not being reached by competitive sports and implement social and political aspects to the project. The theme of our dance theatre exchange and project is Crossing Over, which is connected to the current German and European refugee topic.Instead of only discussing the topic ‘refugees’ in our project, we wish to grant the opportunity to refugees in Bremen to take active part in One Nation Dace – Crossing over. This goal can be achieved through the existing co-operation between the German partners within refugee projects Bremen, like for example within the project ‘Key for Bremen’ and also through the participation of the Bethlehem Dance Theatre from Palestine will the topic of flight and displacement be very present.One Nation Dance and One Nation Cup will take place simultaneously in Bremen, starting on the 27th of May and ending on the 6th of June 2016. Beyond the international exchange, One Nation Dance also wishes to be a motivator for a national exchange between the dancers and the football players from ten other countries.One Nation Dance uses dance-related activities to build physical, social and artistic bridges between young dancers from 3 nations. The projects follows the goal to link the participants and their institutions for promoting the language and awareness of dance. The project will facilitate an access to dance as an art form by co-operating with refugee communities and with local institutions and involving them in a dialogue about their understanding and perception of culture and dance. One of the main goals of this project is intercultural learning. Within the project the participants have the possibility to get to know each other intensively and to empathize their feelings for each other through the medium of dance. Through this intercultural setting the young participants are going to discover cultural differences but also cultural similarities. The discovered cultural differences will be seen as an addition to individual and other structural differences and can be valued as enriching diversity for dancing and beyond.In this way we wish to remind the participants that a productive exchange - dance and personal – is based on an appreciation and respect for each other, which must also be simultaneously the basis for a united Europe and a shared global world of the future.During the exchange the young dancers will be staying in Tagungshaus Bredbeck. A group of 15 people from Keto/Finland and Bethlehem Dance Theatre/Palestine will take part in the exchange. The young participants are 16-22 years old.In Bredbeck the group have the opportunity to get to know each other and especially dance together. The aim is that during the first days the groups will develope in Bredbeck for a joint performance about the topic Crossing Over. The results of this co-operation will be presented to the public on the One Nation Cup festival during the last day of stay of the groups.Within this same event the groups also have the possibility to present their performances that they have already prepared in the home countries related to the common topic of Crossing Over.

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