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On €uro-Commence
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As a public vocational high school, the lycée DE PRONY receives nearly 500 pupils in different courses and fields such as Architecture, management , reception & business. It 's classified as an area targeted for special help in education, which implies that the majority of our pupils come from disadvantaged social milieu. In 2008, the lycée opened a europeen section for a School leaving cetificate (A­Level) in business in English. It was awarded the Leaonardo Certificate in Juin 2012. Our Lycée wants to initiate an Erasmus+ project : "On €uro­Commence" (O€C) for a term of 24 months. "O€C" has three main objectives : – The acquisition of new linguistic and professional skills for the pupils by taking part in geographic and professional mobility ; – A training of our pupils to become European citizens ; – The prevention of truancy and of doing badly at school. The project concerns 8 pupils aged between 15 and 17 who were born into a poor social environment. One of them is disabled. He moves thanks to a wheelchair. Most of these boys and girls have never travelled abroad and have a very limited knowlege of Europe and of its institutions. For this project, a multidisciplinary team will be mobilized and two teachers will be charged of accompanying the pupils from the beginning till the end of the mobility term. To reach the objectives of "On €uro­Commence", several activities are planned, such as cultural outings, getting to know the European bodies and symbols (The European Parliament, The Jean Monnet House), such as activities to prepare the mobility project (helping writing a CV and a cover letter with the collaboration of the "Relais Malakoff") as well as the organisation of events at school (for instance, the Day of Europe and The Open doors Day). To make this project a success, we rely on different partnerships in France and abroad. For example, allowances provided by Destinations Mobilité, Reception organisms, Europe Resources Center and other organisms. In terms of mobility preparations, our school will supervise the practical and the logistic aspects, with the collaboration of allowances providers. Two teachers will go to Bournemouth a month before the mobility term begins to get in touch with the host organizations and their interlocutors to discuss the content of the training. By the end of the mobility term, a first assessment of this experience will be drawn to quantify the first expected results and our pupils impressions and the effects of this experience on the radiance of our lycée. Implementing several indicators to measure the positive aspects of this project on the results of our pupils will enable us to test whether such projects may be useful in vocational high schools, and so at different levels. Helping young people to discover Europe and to become European citizens, helping them to be confident in their future remain the main objectives of "On €uro­Commence".

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