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On Air, Radio Exchange
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"On Air.Radio Exchange " is a Youth Exchange, Key Action 1 Erasmus +. Participants are young people between 18 and 25 years from three different countries, in addition to their group leaders. Specifically:The Vedogiovani Asti s.c.c.from Italy, with the participation of 6 young people and a group leader.Second Chance BTAG Hungary, with the participation of 6 youngsters and 2 youth group leaders.The aplicant association, Asociación T.E.V.A from Alburquerque, Spain.with 6 youngsters as participants and 2 coordinators.Asociación T.E.V.A has implemented the project "Mudalmundo 7" with the collaboration of the Extremadura Agency for Development Cooperation (AEXCID), in Mudalmundo 7 a group of young volunteers have been preparing and recording radio programs spreading contents of Education for Global Citizenship for later broadcast on local radio.As a result of their motivation, we came up with the idea of ​​continuing, giving an international approach, in which young people from different countries are developing related activities, to share their experiences and learning in a youth exchange, while increasing the attainment of other learning skills.The exchange will take place in August 2016, from 21st to 31st, travel days included, and will be held at the Lodge "Los Chozos" in Alburquerque, located in a mediterranian forest to perform not only related activities to radio tasks, but also related to enrichment and respect for the environment and other cultures, thereby promoting environmental and intercultural awareness.Group activities will be developed with climate dynamics; leisure activities with the purpose of a union of all the participating groups; intercultural activities for knowledge of gastronomy, traditions and other aspects of each participating country; and the activities for recording radio programs both in Spain and later in their home countries, thus giving continuity to the activity.Regarding the impact of the project the aim is that programs recorded radio reach their maximum diffusion collaboration with local radio stations in the municipalities involved in each country, and also other network resources such as social networks will be used more currently used for wider dissemination.With this youth exchange you will not only be working many skills in young people, but also to engage them in awareness of current issues such as humanitarian awareness: humanitarian crisis; gender violence and its prevention; discrimination on grounds of sex and religious ideologies; human rights; child poverty; climate change and respect for the environment; social exclusion; political corruption ... etc, since they are the key issues that will focus on recording radio programs.Finally, note that the activities are proposed, but are completely flexible to the opinions and interests of the / young people, because we believe you learn with better results working cooperatively among all of the participants. Everyone will form a unique group of decision-making and participation, acting / as group leaders and coordinators as learning guides.
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