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On-Air: Effective use of Media for School Education

The project aims to make teachers being able to exploit the attractive potential that NewMedia have on young generation in order to raise their attention and motivate them torediscover the importance of literacy skills (reading and writing) and to approach theflow and diffusion of information that the New Media spread, with the necessary criticalskills in order to become aware users.The main target group of the project is to be considered as teachers of secondaryschools of the 7 countries participating to the project that will be directly involved in theproject activities. At least 70 teachers will be directly involved in the project activities.Activities• Research on training needs - Workgroups of teachers and experts in the field will carryout an analysis of the needs and expectancies of the school system related to thepossible exploitation of the New Media for the development of literacy skills and for thebuilding up of the capacity of the students to analyse and interpret information in orderto become aware New Media user. (• Collection and analysis of on-goingexperiences - In each country workgroups will collect and analyse information aboutthe existing experiences in the field of the use of Media in educational contexts for thedevelopment of reading and writing skills and for enhancing of critical sense andawareness as users of Media.• Development of Media based educational paths - eight educational paths related toMedia education will be developed and made accessible onto the Internet Portal of theproject.• Testing and evaluation of the Media based education paths - In each country a pilotgroup of teachers, duly assisted by the experts, will test the Media based educationalpaths in order to evaluate their quality and effectiveness.Results• Transnational Report and European profiles of skills on Media education.• Database of validated experiences in the field of Media Education –• Educational paths for Media education - including four main issues: Reading skills (i.e.Use of comics for enhancing reading and text analysis skills); Writing skills (i.e. Use ofInternet for the development of writing skills, hypertext); Critic sense in approachingMedia skills (i.e. creation of a newscast in order to develop the critic sense towardsnews sources); Aware users of media skills (i.e. How to build a TV programme in orderto develop skills for making aware choices)• Guidelines for the assessment and evaluation of Media education paths - theevaluation and validation of educational paths in the field of media education will becreated and made available onto the Portal.

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