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OLYNET - Sustainable Management of European Polycentric Mega-City Regions (POLYNET)
Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Mar 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

POLYNET examines changes in functional connections and information flows (physical/transportation and virtual/ICT). The projects objectives are: i) to investigate how the modern phenomena of business decentralisation and spatial concentration are affecting patterns of network flows for urban services in seven major NWE polycentric "Global-Mega-City-Regions" or "gateways" in 6 NWE countries; ii) to analyse the impact on changes in patterns of network behaviour on information flows across the NWE and EU; iii) to investigate the effect of behaviour in one city-region on others (intra-regional, inter-regional); and iv) structure these activities within a geographically-specific research framework that will have a transnational relevance and potential impact. The project participants will undertake quantitative analyses of personal movements, business network connections and telecommunications traffic, as well as a qualitative analysis of business linkages, with the aim of proposing new policy recommendations and response. Various teams will conduct case studies using similar methodology, as well as a number of comparative analyses, in so doing contribute to the knowledge base on polycentric functional and spatial relations in the north-west Europe. At the end of the project a Transnational Policy Network will be established to promote the development of complementary spatial plans to promote polycentricity and enhance interconnections at local, regional, national and transnational levels. The project should deliver a useful contribution to the further development of the NWE Spatial Vision and the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). Achievements: This project was a study project. The project main outputs were: new, innovative information to NWE databases, maps and qualitative analyses in relation to NWE polycentric functional and spatial relations; improvement of the NWE knowledge base on the effectiveness of policy in operationalising; development of a transnational policy network to develop complementary, coherent spatial plans with respect to polycentricity. The results of the project included encouraging understanding of inter-urban functional interdependencies associated with service business activity; raising awareness of the relevance of transnational business and information flows for inward investment and sustainable development; initiating cross-boundary network learning/co-operation (enabling agencies to tap into positive inter-urban synergies/complementarities); strengthening policy effectiveness in the promotion of balanced, sustainable NWE spatial development.
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  • 48.3%   1 144 114,00
  • 2000 - 2006 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants