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Okulöncesi Eğitimde Cinsiyet Ayrımcılığının Kaldırılması
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In addition to being a basic human right,quality education has a great potential for decreasing social inequalities as well."Equality" has to be one of the most leading principles of education in order to keep its benefits for the individuals and society at the highest level.There are acts and behaviors which involve gender discrimination in every field of the society in our country.In spite of the discourses that man and woman are equal,there are sexist approaches in schools,where the society is educated,particularly in course books.The patriarchal structure,which became the identity of the culture,leads to gender discrimination discourses and approaches even by teachers without realizing it.We believe that the children,who will be raised by the students who will graduate as child development and training field teachers,must have education without any discrimination and therefore we give necessary information in our courses.However,there is not any adequate material,academic work,or sample application with regards to gender discrimination in pre-school education.While our students receive their vocational training,they need to perform self-development in pedagogical and spiritual manner with regards to this subject.We believe that our participants need to learn Montessori,which is logical and contemporary method in Europe,in order to achieve this.For doing so,10 students will be selected from each following schools, Çatalca Technical and Vocational High School for Girls,applicant and Edirne, Manavgat Şule Muzaffer Büyük and Zonguldak Ereğli T. and V.H.S.for G., local partners. In total 40 participants will receive education in foreign hosting institutions. Each school will go to a different country, and will have two-week placement activity, therefore, approaches and applications with regards to project matter will be learned in 4 different countries. Our hosting institutions are Kinderkita Waldemar e.V. in Germany,Istituto Comprensivo "G. Giusti Sinopoli" in Italy, Katholiek Primair Onderwijs in the Netherlands, SOSU C Social- og Sundhedsuddannelses Centret in Denmark. If our project is accepted, an informative meeting will be held for our students in the field of child development and training in our schools and their parents.The content of the project, project partners, activities of the project and expected outcomes will be declared in the meeting.Our students who want to participate in the project will receive application forms, and participants will be selected in accordance with the evaluation criteria which will be posted in the school notice board.10 students will be selected as original participants and 10 as substitute members from each school for the project.4 teachers will accompany the participant students for their activities in foreign countries.Special emphasis will be given for selecting teachers, who will accompany the students, who can have good communication with the students, who are open for cultural interaction, with good foreign language skills, and solution focused approaches. Project councils will be established in each school for undertaking overall responsibility of the project in order to prevent any problem for the implementation of the project. Coordinators for travel, education, budget,monitoring and evaluation,dissemination will be assigned among the participant teachers of the project. Prior to mobility,our participants will join language,cultural, pedagogical preparation works. Within the scope of language preparations, the most suitable foreign language center established in the city, where the schools are, will be used. Our students will receive 60-hour English course, and certificates approved by the Ministry of National Education will be given to them at the end of the course.As for pedagogical preparations, vocational teachers working at the field of child development and education will inform on Montessori, which is commonly used in the Europe and which is known as a method that favors equality and approaches against gender discrimination in pre-school education in the world.In doing so, our participants will be informed prior to their education process in the hosting institutions. As for cultural preparations, project councils will make presentations on the characteristics of the geography,people,history,culture,education structure,etc. of the country to be visited. Travel organizers will make necessary applications for the permission documents to be issued by the governor's office, for passports and travel insurance and plane tickets. After the completion of all preparations, the groups will go to host institutions on the respective dates under the title of "Main Activities" with the accompanying teachers. At the two-week training, our participants will receive education on the points which need to take into consideration against gender discrimination in pre-school education, and designing education ambient, education process in line with this point.

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