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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Pre-school education instutions which help children’s physical,psychomotor,social,emotional,mental and language developments,equip them to the basic education and social life in the future with the help of their parents if necessary by educating them,perform their functions as educational instutions. The education that’s given btween the ages 0-6-named as a critical period of acquiring the basis of personality- gets more importance when it’s thought that it affects every period of educationeven the whole life. The ages from 0 to 6 are accepted as pre-school education period. Everything that’s thought negatively or positively between these ages,shouldn’t be overlooked when it’s taken into account the education they have taken in this period affects both their adulthood and public health. Today,there’re different sectors in business world connected to the globalization.Generally,in these different sectors both of the parents work.So it causes inadequacy of love and care that has to be given to the children.(scarcity of time)Pre-school education instutions’re the places in which children spend time by the healthiest way by regard of their phsical,social,mental and the most importantly emotional developments as well as get love and care. Today,pre-school education has lots of importance and İzmir Bornova Girl Technical and Vocational High School which trains qualified stuff is aware of this importance.Our school is getting a vision to train “Child Development Proficients” who could be a leader to the children,trainers,parents with contemporary educational and developmental level of knowledge can renew and develop themselves,communicate effectively or creatively.Also we would like to be one of a leader at the national level by educating,counseling the children or parents at the same time we would like to contributea society which protects it’s own culture and has universal values. This Project includes the mobility of vocational education student that is prepared with cooperating three different cities in our country,Erzurum-Antalya and Yozgat(The Eastern Anatolia Region- The Mediterranean Region and The Central Anatolia Region)by our school İzmir Bornova Girl Technical and Vocational High School. Our aim in this Project is to provide the transfer of the innovative practices from European countries that has been as a leader position in pre-school education by going there and practising Our school that would like to transfer the innovation practises based on innovation in pre-school education from European Countries to Turkey incorporate with Çat a borough in Erzurum which is in disadventageous position, Sorgun Çiğdemli a borough in Yozgat and Manavgat a borough in Antalya. The places where our domestic partners serving,experince difficulties economically due to scarcity of population and pre-school education instutions at the same time there are some practising problems in these instutions.Child development department is one of a unit where these problems have seen intensively. If our Project could get financial support,the participating students’ll intern for a year in European Countries in the field of child development as a result they might remove the scarcity of experince a little bit by observing the good samples of child development practices in these countries. With the help of EU’s financial support the students in our Project’ll have the oppotunity to compare the whole development of the child and contemporary theories of multiple intelligences/modules and content covering pre-school education programme,also it’ll be possible to transfer the good samples to our country. Prject mobility is between 01/09/2014 and 01/09/2015; 65 students and 8 teachers will Austria / Germany / Czech Republic / Hungary / Denmark participate in mobility activities. End of this Project,pre-school child development students who are studying at a vocational high school will be able to transfer and see the good samples of Professional knowledge,skills,expertises or experiences to be developed,physical structure of pre-school education system,pre-school education tecniques-procedures and methods,which suplies are used in pre-school education,staff’s and teachers’ professional ethics,working conditions of teachers and staff,pre-school education examinations of applications used for multiple intelligence in EU Countries.However it’ll contribute the personal developmets of the participating students.
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8 Partners Participants