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Okul Geleceğimdir / School is my Future
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SCHOOL IS MY FUTURE As a part of Europe 2020 Strategic Plan , it is aimed to decrease early school leaving under ten per cent.Related to this,our project is also intended to reduce early drop outs and absenteeism. Early school leaving is one of the basic problems in our school and in similar schools of this area. Most of our students have migrated from east of Turkey. Our school is in a disadvanteged area, families have low income, because of this children start to work at an early age. They don't have any role model who can help them to comprehend the importance of education and they don't know the taste of success. These are the reasons for early school leaving in this area. In order to overcome these problems and enable these students to continue their education regularly, we will organise parents' meetings, increase control and observe continuity; do informative and convincing works with families, persuade family to canalise the child for the vocational education and provide the opportunity of education; send brochures to parents and arrange face-to-face meetings, organise trips to upper eductional corporations. So as to make the school desirable for students and minimalize stress in learning environment, we will prepeare a game room which includes educative toys and we will use this room out of lesson hours, just for games and physical activities. Teachers will prepeare flower branches figure(monthly) and each day, when the absentee student come to school, s/he will add a flower. At the end of the month, the flower figure will be displayed on classroom boards. This will make students feel themselves important and special. At 'game and physical activities' hours, by including each student to the traditional games, we will support escipeally the absentee students' communication with his/her peers and we will make them love school.Our project will be performed with administrative staff,one counsellor teacher,one English teacher and two classroom teachers from different grades. By job shadowing, our objectives are; observing new and European education methods and techniques and entegrating them to our educational system, increasing staff's language proficiency and motivation. With the help of the structured courses, organisation of teaching and learning, increasing management capabilities and learning new teaching tools are planned. Course in Finland (Every pupil is important);will provide new information about education system,disadvantages,special education in primary and secondary level,early support,how to use assistants in classroom,vocational education and drop outs. The other course which we applied is 'Coaching in Educational Contexts to Reduce Early School Leaving.In this course,Energy Psychology techniques will be used.Participants will gain personal understanding of the changes occurring both on physical and cognitive level through the use of Energy Psychology techniques. In the long term, reducing early school leaving is our main aim. Because we know, school is our future.

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