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Özelim ve Sizinleyim / I Am Special and with You
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We, as educators owe all children a chance to reach their potential. That's why many experts suggest mainstreaming children into regular classrooms rather than special education classes. Legal regulations and implementations about mainstreaming education and special needs children are likely new. Educators having limited knowledge and experience in this field causes a problem in terms of both mainstreaming students and other students at the same class. Observations, tests and questionnaires we made as Sehit Fatih Soydan Secondary School show that mainstreaming students are not accepted totally by their friends in class and school environment, teachers and parents. Academic researches in our country also show parallelism with our findings. This condition creates negative effects on mainstreaming and other students in class. There are twenty two mainstreaming students in Şehit Fatih Soydan Secondary School. Each mainstreaming student is located into different classes.This means that we have twenty one classes in which we have a special need child. The steps we use to eliminate problems will affect the school totally. We come up with choosing each participant from different branches will make advantage in their fields. In addition to this we will consider every participant having profiency in English,using technology and high communication skills. We will compose a team whose participants are innovative, creative,took part in projects and having studies in academic field. We determined that special needs students aren't accepted socially at school. As a target we chose what can be done to ease the orientation of special needs children to their classes and school environment. Our main purposes with the course we will take are: a) to have knowledge about main behaviour characteristics of special needs children. b) to reinforce theoretical infrastructure about class and behaviour management. c) to get information new approach and implementation about education methods and tecniques relevant to mainstreaming education in Europe. d) to get information about collaboration with families, to learn communication tecniques.Our main purposes with the job shadowing we will make are: a) to observe new methods at classes and schools in Europe where applied mainstreaming education. b) to observe and get information the curriculums and the legal regulations about mainstreaming education in Europe. c) to observe what physical features and materials are and how they are used in class which is prepared for a special needs student at work. d) to observe the methods and tecniques used by teachers at schools we made observation and to get information about new, creative tecniques. e) to get information about drama and play activities made intended to integrate students in class. We will have a five day education programme tittled as 'Special Needs Children' to obtain these acquisitions in Czech Republic. These modules that we will get in this education match the objectives of our project. Also for the purpose of obtaining the acquisitions stated above we will make a five day job shadowing at schools that will be determined by EUROPE FOR ALL organization in Italy. Due to the fact that mainstreaming education and integration will be in the center of our project , we gave to our project as a name 'I am special and with you.' . We will transfer generalizing the impact of acquisitions from this education to our all teachers by preparing meetings, practical educations and standardized activity brochures. In addition to this, we will share our informations with the other schools especially by Guidance Research Centers of Town and City. For this purpose, we will design a website, copy CDs-brochures and deliver them.
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