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Öğretmen - Öğrenci motivasyonu ve gelişimi için eğitim - öğretimde yenilikçi yaklaşımlar ve ufuklar
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1: CONTEXT OF THE PROJECT - Our school has developed European development plan. - Education staff from English language department and some different branches will have teacher trainings in European’s best organizations. - The methods and techniques have been decided and planned for pre-project and follow –up Project facilities. 2: OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: - Our school’s education staff and students will study in the international EU education programmes. - Our school’s education staff and students will have chances to work in EU ‘s schools and foundations,companies. - Education staff and students will develop their foreign language skills. - The school syllabus program and new modern curriculum will be developed. - Our students will attend the school effectively.They will not quit the school in the early ages. - Being in the EU Project will help and improve our school education staff’s contributions to the European unity,citizenships and development of the cultures ,interpersonal relations. - Education staff will improve their teaching skills and methods. - Education staff will use the ICT Technologies in education and class management - Teachers will improve and enlarge students’ creative thinkings,innovations in class management and education. - Our education staff will learn new methods,skills and techniques for teaching best English.they will use most accurate english in education 3: THE PARTICIPANTS a) Five talented and keen English Language teachers will have in service teacher training course “ Content Language integrated Learning”.They will develop and learn new techniques in four important skills in language education . b) Six talented and keen teachers from different departments such as vocational lessons,physical education,english language will have in service teacher training course “ How to use art,multimedia,sport efficiently in teaching and education. c) Five talented and keen English language teachers will have in service teacher training course “ “Professional Communication Skills for English Teachers”.They will develop and learn new techniques in communication and presentation. -These all participants are keen on international Erasmus+ projects.They would like to develop their school’s visions and expectations in European Dimensions. 4: ACTIVITIES: a-“Professional Communication Skills for English Language Teachers” will be held and organised in city of La Valletta in Malta between dates 25 /29.January.2016 by Eti Malta Teacher Training Center b-“ Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL “course will be held in city of Dublin in Ireland between dates 22/28.May.2016 by the ”Englishmatters School”. c) “How to use art,music,ICT,multimedia and sport in education “ will be held by Quarter Mediation Course Eu. Between dates 04-10/11/2015 in city of Assen in Holland. 5: METHODOLOGIES TO BE USED IN CARRYING OUT THE PROJECT: -Our Project coordinator is in contact with the education centers’ coordinators for Project. -All the contents,syllabus,curriculum and information about the courses were sent. -The information about the courses,trainers and countries was given to the participants in our school -The facilities and plans have been decided for pre-project activities and follow up activities. -The Internet blogs,facebook groups and other online ,ınternet social sites will be organized for the project. 6: THE RESULTS: -Our school’s staff will enhance their career prospects. -Education staff will improve their knowledge of the subject taught in their Professional area -Education staff and students will improve foreign language competencies. -Education staff will increase their awareness of new methods of assessing for skills or competencies acquired in learning context. -Enhanced the classroom and organisational leadership skiils -Upgraded the knowledge of the EU ‘s education systems. -Encouraged education staff and students to participate in other Erasmus Plus projects. -Encouraged students’ motivation,skills in class management and schools.Students will not quit the education in early ages. -Encouraged our colleagues to participate in the Erasmus Plus projects. -Helped our education staff increase interest of our students,colleagues in European projects,topics. 7:LONG TERM BENEFITS -Project will help to increase European dimension in the work of my school. -The pedagogical approach will be better and newer. -The quality of the curriculum and syllabus will be better. -Other colleagues,education staff and students will have oppurtunities to work ,study in our school by the help of longg term EU mobility projects. -To work in collaboration with people from different countries will enlarge our education staff’s and students’ dimensions and point of views in the European Union’s citizenships,unity,cultural developments and peace. - EU education activities will improve and help Turkey’s involvement in being active member country of the European Union.
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