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"Odkurzamy Dom Kultury"
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project under the title "Vacuming the Art Center" is scheduled for 12 months. The project participants are employees of the promotion and teaching departments of the Poleski Art Center. There will be 6 people involved in the mobilities. It is hoped that the project participants will be immersed in work and organisation at a local-community level (involving, among other things, exhibitions, book promotions, special workshops and training). The project is aimed at job shadowing at Viennese Folk Universities. As a result of face-to-face meetings, discussion of local situations, and open exchange of experiences, participants will learn new methods and forms of activity in the area of cultural education. The aim of the project is to update the tools that the Internet provides for the promotion of cultural and learning methods, in order to build a coherent image of the centre. Management skills necessary to run a large institution are of special interest to the project participants. For instructors, it is particularly important to observe methods of working with marginalized groups (people with disabilities, lack of educational opportunities, seniors, migrants, refugees, etc.,) in order to take a best advantage of the experience gained and implement it into the permanent work at the POS center. The goals of intellectual exchange during the project are new perspectives and proposals concerning the competitive functioning of the cultural center in Lodz. Participants will face the challenge of change in the structure of the current functioning of the center including its specific structure (many departmants). The expected outcome of the project is the development of our institution and upgrade of artistic and educational actions offered. Demonstrative workshops, a group exhibition and an e-brochure, which includes a report from visit in Vienna are planned. The project will raise linguistic, social and substantive competences, helping to diagnose and address certain problems faced by our centre.
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