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"Odkryj swoją okolicę - odkryj siebie"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Discover your neighbourhood – discover yourself" was created by three partner organizations: The Community Center of Culture and Ecology in Plichtów (coordinating and host organization), Ayuntamiento de Cuenca (sending organization) and ProAtlântico - Associação Juvenil (sending organization). Among the participants of the project will be two volunteers, employees of host organization, mentors, youth, local community including representatives of different generations. The actions foreseen in the project include the following topics: teaching and learning foreign languages, creativity and culture, intercultural and intergenerational education and lifelong learning. The aim of the project " Discover your neighbourhood – discover yourself " is promote open access to the materials produced during the project, to promote equal access and social inclusion, to promote learning different languages and linguistic diversity, European values, raising basic competencies and skills of young people using informal and non-formal working methods and strengthening intercultural dialogue and social integration. In order to achieve the scheduled objectives volunteers will work in our organization for 6 months. During that time they will organize workshops allowing to know the culture of their countrie, meetings, which will develop their skills and creativity and language classes for different age groups. The main product of the project will be the brochure of our neighbourood created in English and photos’ exhibition – 3 seasons. Volunteers will run the funpage presenting their activities within the project, the culture of their countries. Due to all planned activities we would like to motivate local community to work together and further development. We will make sure that the project will contribute to the largest intercultural integration, increase of tolerance, react against prejudices and at the same time promote broadly defined voluntary service. We believe that the activities planned within the project will motivate younger generations to learn foreign languages and show how crucial the ability to communicate freely with the citizens of Europe is.
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2 Partners Participants