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Odborné stáže žáků SOŠ a SOU stavební Kolín v zahraničí
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project focuses on supporting of a specialized internship of our pupils abroad, namely in Slovak Republic. We want to offer our pupils the possibility to acquire specific experiences and skills not only through our school´s specialized training, but also in other European country. Pupils will be able to learn new work processes and acquire tools needed for the qualified employment performance which will influence their adaptability to the job market. The specialized abroad internship will improve the pupils´ ability to adapt to new conditions, their skills of creative participation in changing conditions, their abilities to react to various situations and problems, and will improve their teamwork skills. The project will also lead pupils to the realization that the lifelong learning is necessary and so is the active looking for lifelong learning opportunities. The project helps to fulfill European development plan of SOŠ a SOU stavební Kolín (organization´s strategic goals) – e.g. it adds to the development and improvement of specialized education quality, supports personal development, enriches pupils´ positive human and citizenship attitudes, minimizes imbalances within the educational system, helps to lower the failure rate among pupils, leads to the highest development levels of pupils´ potential, acts as a prevention in the area of an early school termination due to the failure and no interest in the field of study. Participants of this project are pupils of Střední odborná škola stavební a Střední odborné učiliště stavební Kolín (High School for Architecture and Building Industry and Vocational High School for Construction Trades Kolín), Kolín II, Pražská 112, who are taking specialized courses under the code 33-56-H/01 Joiner, also pupils taking courses under the code 26-51-H/02 Electrician and finally pupils of the course 36-47-M/01 Building industry. The main goal of this project is negotiating the specialized internship abroad focused on acquiring of new experiences, skills and knowledge, however not only the ones specific to the field of study. The focus will be also on getting to know social and cultural similarities of both nations. The project focuses on the improvement of specialized education and thus on the improvement of the pupils positions at the job market. The European system ECVET (a tool supporting development and improvement of specialized education quality) is used during the project realization and the quality of intended specialized internship is insured by implementation of the exact definitions of the study result unit (JVU).The final project results are: acknowledgement of mobility in terms of specialized internship (in agreement with school´s educational plan), acquired new skills and experiences, new contacts, realization of nations´ co-existence within the middle Europe region. The other project result represents the specialized internship experience report where the pupils themselves will evaluate the process and the internship results. This report will not be only a formal one, because pupils´ suggestions for improvement will be included. The pupils will further prepare the internship PowerPoint presentation to be shown to the teachers and other pupils at our school. This presentation will be widely used at yearly regional school exchanges and at our school´s Open House. The pupils will also create a display board located at school atrium representing the project realization – the form of presentation will be fully in pupils´ hands.Two-weeks mobilities will be realized in Spojená škola, Námestie SNP 5, Partizánske, Slovak Republic, in Stredná odborná škola, Poprad, Slovak Republic and in Spojená škola, Kremnička 10, Banská Bystrica.
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