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Odborné stáže v Německu pro žáky Střední průmyslové školy v Kutné Hoře
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Technical internships of students from the Vocational High School of Electrotechnology in Kutna HoraThis project resulted from a successful cooperation with a German company WBS Training AG, preceding projects LdV and Erasmus+ have been implemented together so far in the recent years. We would like to follow up with a new student mobility project in technical education and enable other students of our school from the third and fourth grades to participace in mobilities abroad. This particular project is focused on the fields of Automation technology, Communication technology and programming, and Information technologies.Two groups of sixteen students each will participate in a two-week internship in Germany at branches of our partner WBS in Dortmund and Berlin. The first educational stay will take place in the autumn 2016 in Dortmund, and will be focused on Automation technology aimed at students of the fourth grade of our school, and the second internship will continue in April 2017 in Berlin, and will be focused on creation of web design, aimed at students of the third grade.As to organization of our project, it will be built on the past experience and similar division of project roles which have proved successful in the previous run. Our partner WBS will provide professional lecturers, accommodation, meals, local transport, accompanying programme and support of the participants during the interships, and our school will ensure selection of the participants, professional, linguistic and cultural preparation, journey to the internship venue and back and dissemination of the project outcomes. The work language of the internships will be English. Target group are students of the third and fourth grade of our school in the age of 17 – 19. Our school will send a supervising teacher with each group who will coordinate the activities together with a WBS assistant, and will participace in the students´evaluation and monitoring.As previously we will be applying the ECVET assessment method for quality improvement in technical education. Together with our partner we have signed the Memorandum of Understanding based on definition of learning units. When defining the learning units we used the National Register of Qualifications as a basic national tool. We will sign Learning Agreements with the student participants and we will sign a contract with our partner on securing the internships as well. At the conclusion of the individual internships students will be issued with Europass mobility certificates.Our project goals are in accordance with the Erasmus+ programme. These aims are mainly focused on improvement of students´ professional knowledge and skills leading to their personal development and better opportunities for finding a job at labour market, gaining motivation for further personal growth and education, improving their linguistic skills on the level of professional communication, raise awareness about foreign countries and cultures. Together with experience abroad they will participace in social life there and they will gain sense of European citizenship and identity.The project consists of two main activities. Participants of the first internship focused on Automation technology will gain professional skills in the field of connections and hardware settings in the Programme Logic Automat (PLC), software setting „Logo! Soft Comfort“ and configuration of various applications of PLC Siemens Logo. At the end of the internship they will plan and independently implement their own project with the use of PLC Siemens Logo and „Logo! Soft Comfort“ and they will personaly present their project. Participants of the second internship focused on web design will plan a web project, interface specification and technical knowledge regarding creation of a website also from a graphic point of view, according to client requirements. They will have to propose a financial statement of the project as well, and present their project in the same way as they would offer the given task to a target customer. The main impact of the project for our students is in gaining professional knowledge and skills with regard to their use in practice and linked with their past knowledge and experience, which will let them know some job opportunities at labour market abroad, improve their linguistic skills, meet new cultural environment and life in a foreign country. The project will improve our school´s reputation, quality of our offered study fields will increase and acquired knowledge will be used in teaching process. Long-term impact to our school is not only in better orientation of our graduates at labour market, but also our teachers involved in the project may improve their professional and linguistic skills, they can establish long-term relationship and cooperation with our business partner, which has proved succsessful so far. In conclusion we would like to continue in such a collaboration further-on.
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