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Odborná praxe v zahraničí – důležitý prvek při uplatnění absolventů na trhu práce v zemích EU
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Internships Abroad - Important Element for Employment of School-Leavers on the Labour Market in the EU Countries is a successfully accomplished two-year mobility project. It included both internships of secondary school students and professional development of technical subjects teachers. The name of the proposing and sending institution was Obchodní akademie a Vyšší odborná škola sociální Ostrava-Mariánské Hory, příspěvková organizace, from the Czech Republic. The receiving organizations were: - Swan Training Institute, Dublin, Ireland - Europroyectos Erasmusplus S.L., Córdoba, Spain - HochVier - Gesellschaft für politische und interkulturelle Bildung e.V., Potsdam, Germany. During the three-week internship in Ireland, Spain and Germany the students got new work experience, abilities and skills, what is more, in a foreign language surrounding. The students were placed in business companies or service oriented companies, while others were in government or non-government non-profit organizations, social security offices or cultural facilities. The objective of the teacher mobility was improving the quality level of the technical educational process in our school and adjusting to the requirements of the international labour market. The teachers visited educational institutions of similar focus, as the sending school (economy, business, and public administration), next prospective and successful companies and institutions – the employers of technical schools graduates in all the three countries. Last but not least, there was also job shadowing with foreign colleagues. The total number of 30 participants comprised of 20 VET learners in companies – 12 in Ireland, 4 in Germany, and 4 in Spain) and 10 Staff training abroad – 6 in Ireland, 2 in Germany, and 2 in Spain. The students participating were motivated students of 3-year fields Business Academy, Economic Lyceum, and Public Administration. Their age was 17-18. The teachers participating are involved in teaching technical economic subjects in a foreign language combined with active command of ICT competencies. The students who participated have taken an active part in 3-week internship in Irish, Spanish, and German companies and institutions. The students worked in these branches: - work with office software, - work with software in an economic informational system, - work with logistics software, - keeping public files according to valid regulations, - work in area of logistics and management of supply delivery, - retail trade, - communication with clients on the level of providing commercial and public services. All the participants of the internship followed the instructions of their supervisor at the workplace. The supervisor´s task was to select such work methods, which correspond with the technical personal profile of each student, listed in their CV and Letter of Application. An emphasis was laid onto reliable and individual solving of the set tasks in the areas mentioned above. The students were motivated (according to their language skills) to active communication at the workplace. The teachers who participated took an active part in a week work programme, which was based on these points: - comparison of Czech and their educational system and the particular specifications, - methodology and ways of teaching a foreign language, - success of the graduates of specific study fields at the job market, - ability to modify educational offer to the requirements of the job market. After the teachers returned back, all these points were discussed in a conference, were talked about in technical subject departments and modifications in ŠVP (School Education Programme) were suggested, which were later presented to the leadership of the school to be approved. The impact of the internship on the project participants is great. During the 3-week internship in Ireland, Spain and Germany the students gained new work experience, skills and abilities, furthermore in a foreign language surroundings. ECVET system, which we compiled and used in collaboration with our foreign partners, made it possible to clearly certify the achieved technical progress of all the participants. The teachers who also participated in the work programme in Ireland, Spain, and Germany were given an opportunity to suggest some modifications of the educational plan of our school. We might presume that the obtained knowledge, experience and skills will be used directly in the educational process, in the preparation onto the educational process and so the level of the technical education at our school will be increased. Besides the mentioned above, a long-lasting benefit of the project is the creation of a functional network of international contacts, which will be used also during the next mobility project initiated by the sending institution, approved for 2016-2018.
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