European Projects
Odborná prax žiakov Spojenej školy Partizánske v z..
Odborná prax žiakov Spojenej školy Partizánske v zahraničí
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
The project focuses on support of specialized internship of our students abroad, namely in Czech Republic. We want to offer our students the possibility of specific experiences which will help them to acquire new abilities, not only through the specialized training at our school, but also through the specialized internship in another European country. The pupils will have an opportunity to get to know certain new work technologies and tools which are necessary for the qualified employment performance. These new skills will then raise their own personal value at the job market. Specialized internship abroad will broaden our students´ general adaptability to new situations, will improve their problem solving abilities under various conditions, and they will understand better the team work. The project should also add to their personal progress in the realization that the lifelong continuing education is necessary at present times. The project helps to fulfill European development plan Spojenej školy Partizánske ( organization´s strategic goals )it adds to the development and improvement of specialized education quality, supports personal development, enriches pupils positive human and citizenship attitudes.The main participants in this project are the pupils of Spojená škola, o.z. Stredná Odborná škola Partizánske, Námeste SNP 5 (High School, o.z. Specialized High Scool Partizánske, Námestie SNP 5), who are taking specialized courses under the code2683 H 12 and the subject of Electromechanics. European system ECVET ( a tool supporting development and improvement of specialized education quality ) is used during the project realization and the quality of intended specialized internship is insured by implementation of the exact definitions of the study result unit ( JVV ).The main goal of this project is negotiation of the specialized internship abroad focused on acquiring of new experiences, knowledge and abilities. However, the project also aims on the general knowledge of the society and culture of both nations, which should bring the realization of similarities between Slovak and Czech nations. The project will support the pupils´ specialized internship and will help to improve pupils´chances within the job market. One of the other aims is to provide an opportunity to acquire deeper and wider understanding of the world around us.The final results are: acknowledgement of mobility in terms of specialized internship, the newly acquired abilities and experiences, the new contacts, and the personal realization of our place within the middle European region. The final report about the specialized internship, where the pupils themselves will evaluate the process and the results of this internship, will be completed. The report will not be a formal one, therefore it will contain possible improvement suggestions. The pupils themselves will prepare a PowerPoint presentation about the specialized internship which will be shown to the teachers and pupils at school. This presentation will be intended for the use at the Regional School Market to provide information to the public and for the visitors coming to the school´s Open Door Day. The pupils will further create an information board placed in the school hallway presenting the realization of this project – the final form and the look of this board will be fully in pupils´ hands.The project will take place at High School for Architecture and Building Industry and Vocal High School for Construction Trades Kolin in the subject of Mechanic of Plumbing and Electrotechnical Systems, Pražská 112, in Marec 2017/2018.